
Vox: Women and the White House

May 1, 2015 Nicole Motahari 0

Question: Do you feel that if a woman (of any political party) becomes president, it will change how other nations view the United States and if so, how? John Michael Powell Senior Political Science Major, […]


Buckle up

April 22, 2015 John Miller 0

A lot of us are sad to see Turner Field “move”; its held the same location for nearly a decade and has provided students with ample parking in its expansive blue lot. However, if and […]


Turn up… over there

April 2, 2015 John Miller 0

There are two thoughts when it comes to public musical events held on campus. One: They’re good, exciting and fun, and two: They’re aggravating obstructions. These two opinions exist because people have conflicting interests about […]

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