Our Mission Statement
The Signal shall provide, in a fair and accurate manner, news of interest and significance to the Georgia State University community and serve as a forum for the expression of ideas of members of that community. Furthermore, The Signal shall provide an opportunity for students to pursue experience within a professional newspaper environment. The Signal shall also provide truthful and ethical advertising of interest to the Georgia State University community.
The deadline for all print advertising is 5 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the desired issue of publication. Advertisements must be print-ready and in PDF format; files must be delivered via email to advertising@georgiastatesignal.com. Please visit our Advertising page for more information regarding digital advertising, rates and accepted payment methods.
Coverage Requests
Requests for coverage and tips should be submitted to the Editor in Chief and/or the relevant section editor. For breaking news, email us directly at editor@georgiastatesignal.com or contact us on Twitter and Facebook.
Other Services
The Signal offers photography services for $149.99 per photo session per person. Please contact Trent Legaspi, photo editor for The Signal, to set up a session.

Submit a Letter to the Editor
Letters must be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief via email and must include the text of the letter in the body of the message. Letters should be 400-500 words maximum. The Signal will allow longer letters but only in rare circumstances. Letters must include the full name(s) of the writer(s) and include their year and major. If the writer is a faculty member, they must include their title and department. Letters will be fact-checked prior to publication. The writer may be obligated to make changes to the letter for publication. Letters will be edited for grammar, clarity, length, factual accuracy and adherence to Signal policy. The Signal reserves the right to modify and/or reject letters at the discretion of the editorial staff.
Opinions and Letters to the Editor expressed in The Signal are the opinions of the writers and readers. They do not reflect the opinions of The Signal. Opinions expressed in Editorials are the opinions of the Editorial Board.
Our Staff
Signal Office
Suite 250, Student Center West
P.O. Box 3968
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404) 413-1614
Fax: (404) 413-1622
President & Editor-in-Chief
Amira Daniel adaniel44@student.gsu.edu
Vice President & Director of Business Operations
Eduarda Speggiorin eduarda@thegsusignal.com
Digital Editor
Vacant signalmanaging@gmail.com
Managing Editor
Raymond Tran rtran14@student.gsu.edu
Creative Director
Hunter Laserna hlaserna1@student.gsu.edu
Photo Editor
Noah Zeches
Video Editor
Podcast Editor
News Editor
David Hoffman
Opinions Editor
Arts & Living Editor
Merissa Ware
Sports Editor
Matthew Tindle signalsport1@gmail.com
Copy Editor
Associate Production Editor
Associate Arts & Living Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Digital Editor
Faculty Advisor
Chuck Colin