Homepage stories

Delta-8: The New Nicotine

April 19, 2022 Luiza De Abreu 0

Did you know weed is recreationally legal in all fifty states? That’s right, all fifty states.  It’s called Delta-8. The new, legal vaping trend.  I know what you’re thinking. There’s no way its a natural  […]



April 19, 2022 Gabby Miller 0

Whenever someone thinks about the plant Marijuana, they think about the process of getting high.  But what if I can tell you this plant has two different compounds that have different effects from each other.  […]


Cannabis has a long history

April 19, 2022 Kalin Williams 0

With millions of cannabis users across the U.S., that there still exists a negative stigma about the use of the plant is disheartening.  Many view users as “drug addicts” or “lazy” and unproductive. Where did […]


Poor costuming

April 12, 2022 Terrance Davis 0

Cultural appropriation is, at this point, a commonly understood practice in which members of a dominant culture adopt the images, motifs, and styles of another culture, typically with no, or very little acknowledgment of the […]


The issues with finding justice

April 12, 2022 Gabby Miller 0

Some of us might think about the police whenever someone thinks about our justice system. Police have a significant role in this system because they are the ones that have the authority to make an […]

Homepage stories

The Reality of Dating in College

April 12, 2022 Alanna Jacob 0

After 19 years of living a single life, I spent every waking moment of May through July of 2021 with my first boyfriend.  We were good friends for years and finally decided that we wanted […]

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