42 events found.
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A Sweetheat of a Meal
Student Recreation Center 101 Piedmont Ave SE, AtlantaGet ready for Valentines Day and learn how to cook for your loved one with a cooking demostration. Since space is limited, students are advised to sign up before Jan. 31. For more information, including [...]
Fall Festival on Ponce
Olmsted Park North Druid Hills 1451 Ponce de Leon Ave., AtlantaAt this festival visitors can enjoy art and beautiful landscape by one of America’s most celebrated landscape architects, Fredrick Olmsted Sr. There will be over 125 displays of arts, crafts, folk and outsider art. Attendance [...]
13th Annual Little 5 Points Halloween Festival and Parade
Little Five PointsThis event is the signature Halloween festival in the southeast and one of the top 10 Halloween events in the country. Over 35,000 people have it to this festival every year. Enjoy great food, drink [...]