On May 6, the Dean of Students found Jovan Paige, current SGA Vice President of Student Life, innocent from being involved in an alleged fraternity altercation between Alpha Phi Alpha and Phi Beta Sigma. Sources said the fight occurred on March 28.
LaRonda Brewer, Assistant Dean of Students, sent Paige an official letter stating the case was dismissed. Paige then emailed the document to The Signal on May 16.
“An administrative investigation was conducted regarding the alleged physical altercation with a member of Phi Beta Sigma. The results of the investigation did not reveal sufficient information to support the allegations. The investigation is considered closed at this time…,” the letter states.
Sources said Paige allegedly initiated the physical altercation between the fraternities when he blew his whistle at members of Phi Beta Sigma while strolling, as reported by The Signal on April 1.
Sources also said Paige was intoxicated during the event, which was hosted at 750 Glenwood Avenue. A flyer for the Sigma’s probate party confirmed the same location.
A probate is an official initiation of new members into a fraternity and a stroll occurs when brothers of a fraternity line up to perform a traditional dance. The stroll master leads the stroll and blows a whistle.
Johnny Self, Brian E.,m and Landon Moss, individuals who ran for SGA senate positions at the time, were also seen with Paige at the party, according to sources.
Multiple sources also said the fight ended after a gun was pulled by the venue’s owner and students fled around 1:30 a.m.
“…Paige was allegedly seen inside the venue pushing and confronting the Sigmas, who were telling him to leave,” The Signal reported.
No additional information has been released to confirm whether a weapon was pulled out during the event, or if the students running for SGA senate positions were at the party with Paige.
On March 31 Phi Beta Sigma provided a statement acknowledging their members’ presence at the off-campus event, but also said they had not sponsored it. The statement also said the event had no connection to the fraternity.
Darryl Holloman, SGA Advisor, confirmed the Dean of Students began looking into the allegations made against Paige, according to a second article published by The Signal on April 1.
Holloman also said because no Student Code of Conduct violations had been proven, Paige could not be taken off of the ballot during the SGA election period.
Paige provided a statement through email saying he had not been involved in a physical altercation between the Alphas or Sigmas on April 1. This was reported by The Signal on April 4.
“I did not initiate nor was I involved in any physical altercations on the said date, nor was I intoxicated,” Paige said in the email.
Paige contacted The Signal once the investigation was completed and said he had been found innocent of all allegations brought against him. Despite multiple attempts to set up a follow-up interview, Paige could not be reached to comment by press time.
Brewer also said by law she was not allowed to comment about the investigation.
“The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) does not allow the University to disclose information regarding a student’s education record which includes student conduct records,” Brewer said.