The Signal: What makes you a good candidate?
Erick Taylor: I really am passionate about Georgia State University. When I came here in 2011 as a freshman, my goal was to make a difference and not just be another statistic. There are thousands of students here, and I have chosen to serve those students in order to make our voices heard in an effective manner. That’s why I picked student life, because it’s all about the students. There is no point of being in Student Government Association if we lose touch with our constituents.
TS: What is your platform for this election?
ET: To foster a stronger sense of school pride among the Georgia State community, to better the students relationship with the athletics program and to bring more attention to SGA’s ability to co-sponsor student organizations, so that more organizations can put on programs.
TS: Based on the previous position holder, how do you think you will improve the position?
ET: I currently work with Vice-President Abrams, and I would say he is doing an incredible job. As part of his committee, I have gotten first-hand experience with how the position is run. There isn’t really much to improve on from this year, but my main objective would be to increase the notoriety of my position and what I can do for different organizations. Also I will work on making next year’s homecoming event bigger and better. Panther Nation at Atlantic Station was great, but maybe we could do something like college game day at Centennial the morning before the game. I am brainstorming, but I really want to just make Georgia State a place where every student has some way to be involved in an extracurricular activity and have more panther pride.
TS: What was your motivation to run?
ET: It is my desire to make a difference. I have a genuine passion for helping others. Georgia State University has given me that opportunity on several occasions, but I believe it is time to give back to GSU. So I want to mostly instill the pride and joy that I have in this school and share it with others. As freshman, we are pretty much all eager and ready to embrace a new world. You can say the same for me. I just feel like with this position I can make a real change. It would be irresponsible of me to not do my best to try and gain this position and serve my fellow Panthers.
TS: What has been your involvement in SGA? What have you done?
ET: Recently I became an SGA senator during the current spring semester through a vacancy. Before I officially became a senator, I volunteered with SGA and sat in on the meetings every week. I used to volunteer with VP Abrams when he was VP of Public Relations serving in his committee. Otherwise I essentially just sat in meetings in order to prepare myself for the day I finally received the opportunity to serve on SGA as a senator. I now serve on the student life committee, which mostly approves co-sponsorship for different student organizations. I currently am striving to help further the relationship between athletics and students. Coach Trent Miles is one of the biggest proponents of furthering the relationship between the student body and the athletes. I am looking very much forward to work with him throughout the rest of the semester and in the future.