Join a Club Today!

Photo by Owais Khan | The Signal

It is a new semester at Georgia State University. Students are bustling around, trying to get the supplies they need for the upcoming semester. We are coming back to familiar-looking faces and familiar-looking classrooms. trying to find a new sense of normal to go with this semester. But college is much more than the academic aspect of things. When people talk about their college experience, they talk about the wacky clubs they got to join.

College clubs are an excellent way of meeting people that do not take the same classes as you. In college, it is hard to make friends just by going to class and then back to the dorm, as  making friends in the classroom is not always a guarantee.    In our classrooms, it is so easy to show up and not talk to people. College clubs provide a better atmosphere when it comes to meeting new people. In a club setting, it is easier to talk to other people.

Clubs are also an excellent way to meet like-minded individuals. Georgia State offers various clubs that could pick one of your interests. Joining a club could make your semester less predictable in a good way. Clubs have different activities they are doing for the semester. When students think of their upcoming semester, they most commonly think about the various classes they are going to take.By joining a club, it could be more about that.

Going to college is more than just focusing on getting a degree. Going to college is about experiencing new things while in an academic setting and clubs can give students a chance to experience life in a way they have not even thought of before. It is so easy to follow a linear routine while you go to college. You might expect to just go to school, go to work, and go home, but college is not supposed to be 100% academic all the time.

While it is important to do your school work, college is also about learning how to balance life with extracurriculars. Clubs can help you find a solid study group or a new crowd to hang out with. Clubs help create better memories while you are attending college giving students  “an active campus life.” Clubs create the campus life portrayed in movies and the different college pamphlets.

While going to college can be an intimidating experience when first getting started. Clubs can help people see that they do not have to do it alone. People from all around join clubs to find a sense of belonging. It is important to open yourself to new experiences in college. Clubs can help create these new experiences.

Clubs are an important experience for students to face. It can help open up a new way of life never before thought possible. If you just let it, it can change your college life forever.