Horoscopes Feb. 19 – 26

The Astrology technic I will be using in doing these weekly Astro-readings will be of the discipline called “Vedic” Astrology. Vedic astrology is translated with the “side-real” time of the Zodiac; this is using the “real” time of the rotation of the planets. The Western Astrology system is 37 degrees (37 days) off from the real time of the planets. What this means is most people in the Western countries are really a different sign than what they are told. I have put the sidereal dates next to the astrology signs so you can accurately see your true sign. This Vedic astrology specializes in predicting everyday occurrences that may affect us in our movements upon this planet in this life-time and beyond.

Aries Horoscope:

(Apr 13 – May 14)

Aries are in their element with Mercury, Mars, and the Sun in Aquarius. They have the most unique ideals to share and the dynamic energy to see them through to fruition. You will have an abundance of opportunities to present your ideals to interested friends and people in high places. Males especially will play a key role in helping you move from A to Z in accomplishing your goals. By the weekend, when the Moon enters Taurus, there will some quality time with a wise female who will inject some love into all this excitement. Watch your temper and communications.


Taurus Horoscope:

(May 15 – Jun 13)

With the three planets Mercury, Mars, and the Sun in your tenth house, (the house of careers) they will give you strong desires to achieve your goals. Money should be flowing into your life from the use of your skills, especially communications. With your “Hot” conversations, you can talk a “dollar-out-of-a-dime”. This is a great time for making aggressive moves in getting what you want in life. Nevertheless, don’t run folks over in the process be considerate of others’ feelings.


Gemini Horoscope:

(Jun 14 – Jul 13)

Our Gemini natives will be taking chill pills all this month and well deep into March, because of all the energy going on in your ninth house, with Mercury, Mars, and the Sun in there fighting for your attention. Fathers or father-figures in your life will be a source of agitation this month. Try to be patient with them or avoid their company. There will be great drive, ambition and forcefulness in your personality and you will get plenty accomplished if you keep your mind focus on your goals. But you must control the need to argue with others, if this is done, things will work out to your advantage.


Cancer Horoscope:

(Jul 14 – Aug 13)

The Moon will be going into Aries and ending up in Taurus by the weekend. You will be experiencing and angry temperament in the middle of this week, than a loving stubborn one later. You will have a need to be around good friends this weekend and a good shoulder to express your inner thoughts too. The career or school area of your life has envious people getting on your last good nerve. Watch your temper. Don’t let low-life mentalities get the best of you. Fight the tendency for morbid depressions. You will have deep transformation ideals in your head. Subjects of the “other” world (death) will fascinate you. Be careful not to go to deep into this, keep a balance. Females will be a source of pleasure and financial gain for you this month, so focus your mind in this area.


Leo Horoscope:

(Aug 14 – Sept 13)

Leos will have hell to pay this month in the relationship department. There will be an intense sexual energy in the bedroom with fiery arguments all around. This is the month of break-ups and make-ups, nothing else. If you can use this energy to produce some amazing inventions or ingenious ideals, this would be the best way to handle this. If you are in a relationship, try to talk your partner(s) into taking a vacation – – – away from you. It is all for the best, sometimes couples do better apart for a while and I am telling you Leos, this is one of those times! As much as you hate to be alone, this is a period in your life to do some deep thinking by yourself.


Virgo Horoscope:

(Sept 14 – Oct 13)

Virgos will have their diplomatic hats on this week, and it will become easier to collaborate with others, even if their work habits clash with yours. Females will play a key role in some of your successes being that Venus is in your house of love affairs. She will bring you either a wise lover with good advice or a very romantic friend who is fond of sensual pleasures, either way you will enjoy the company. There will be more pressure from your dependents for your undivided attention, but keep a balance with their demands and enjoying your own down time. Watch your temper; you are still living with the “hot head” syndrome.


Libra Horoscope:

(Oct 14 – Nov 13)

There is going to be arguments and problems with the children if you have any, keep an eye out for this. Mothers may be able to help you with this, so don’t let your pride get in the way, request help if you need it. There will be some hardships in relationship department, try to keep a cool head. You will be a good fighter for positive causes and your leadership qualities will shine this month. Just remember not to let the “demon-in-head” syndrome, turn you into a mean and eccentric character. The planet Rahu will be in your sign for the next year and six months, which means the mind is more of an enemy of yours – – – than a friend. Watch your thoughts and think before you act. Stay away from strong drugs, violent and depressive images, or negative people.


Scorpio Horoscope:

(Nov 14 – Dec 15)

Scorpio natives are not known for being “momma” boys with their fiercely independent personality, however with Mars, the Sun and Mercury in your fourth house (the house of the mother), somehow or the other you will find yourself dealing with your mother or motherly people in your life. They will demand your attention in the form of helping them with some problems. These problems could be from mild  to life-threatening, so be on alert. This house also represents your home life, cars and the heart organ. There could be break-ins, thefts or heart problems with all this energy from these three planets. Watch what you eat, exercise and don’t forget to set your alarm at home and in your car


Sagittarius Horoscope:

(Dec 16 – Jan 12)

Sagittarians are full of communication this month with Mars, Sun and Mercury in their third house. This is the house of communications, and brothers and sisters; which mean you could be having some intense dealings with your siblings or real close friends. These are good placements for career moves in school and at work. Letting people know about your unique ideals will get you noticed for a promotion or good grades. The Moon will be going into Taurus by the weekend and this will help add a little loving energy between you and your dependents.


Capricorn Horoscope:

(Jan 13 – Feb 15)

Capricorns must watch their money, especially around females. There will be the tendency to spend lavishly on the pretty girls or “pretty boys”! Watch your communication, harsh speech will be like second nature this month. You will tend to start fires with your conversations, and you may in up being burnt in the process. Capricorns should also have the feeling for singing, dancing and looking good with Venus sautéing around. Enjoy this while you can, before sticking your nose back to the grounding stone.


Aquarius Horoscope:

(Feb 16 – Mar 14)

The Sun just walked into your sign, and with Mars and Mercury already in there it is going to be a hot time at the old corral this month! Aquarians will be going off the deep end if we are not careful. Fighting with our love ones, employers, teachers, and anybody else that gets on our nerves. I am drinking Valerian tea with a shot of brandy in it. Try some spiritual meditation, get a deep muscle massage, or exercise your butt off! The best thing is to stay away from controversies, and stay to oneself. I know this sound like a bummer, but it is the safest route to go with all this energy. Good luck!

Pisces Horoscope: (Mar 13 – Apr 12)

The mind is going t

o be playing tricks on our sweet little Piscean folks. Mercury is under siege with the Sun and Mars in your twelfth house. This is the house of bed pleasures, jails, and asylums. Which means you will be either having an abundance of sex life, getting into trouble with the law or going temporarily crazy. The Moon will give you some relief as she enters Taurus by the weekend, adding a little love in your life. Communications will be at all-time low with misunderstandings galore. Try to use as little words as possible to get your point across, because the more you talk, the more misunderstood you will become.


  1. This is a great posting. I just learned I was a Scorpio from it. I have been thinking I was a Sagittarius all this time. This sign makes so much more sense to me. I am athletic, secretive and a little violent. Scorpio fits my personality much better, and Charan De predictions about my life is right on the money! I hope The Signal keeps this Astrology readings on going. I am sure many of us are benefiting from Charan DE’s wisdom.


    • Dear Johnnie:

      Thanks for the compliment, and yes, “Vedic” Astrology is very unique and predictable. I think more people would be into the science of Astrology if they had their right “Sun signs” and “rising signs”. But, Western astrology is off by 37 degrees, (37 days) and they are telling people the wrong signs that their planets are in. Vedic Astrology gives the people the real positions. Anyway, may the God and the Goddess bless you and your love ones. You can learn more about this science at:



      K. Charan De

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