Who is Mitch?

Dear readers,

There are few things more intimate than sharing monetary advice. With your willingness, my advice could not only change your finacial life, but your life in general. It is for this reason that I want to share a little bit about myself. In doing so, I hope to earn your trust and further broaden our channel of communication.

Ever since I can remember, I have always had a fascination with money. Only in recent years have I fallen in love with the way money works in our society. My family attended Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University 4 years ago and I fell in love with personal finance then and haven’t looked back. I realized that each individual is in control of their financial future and being aware of where your money is going is the key to success. This concept has driven my passion for helping not only myself but anyone I can to reach their financial goals. I have attended multiple business seminars in the Athens and Atlanta areas since starting college. These seminars have trained me on a vast spectrum of things, from budgeting for a family all the way to helping corporations cut costs. Furthermore, I am an avid reader of business and finance literature and I try to increase my knowledge continuously by finishing at least one business-related book per month. I have met with financial consultants and personal financial counselors in recent years that have provided me with insight into how the business of finance is run and preparing me for when I graduate to become a financial advisor. Now, as a junior majoring in finance at Georgia State University, I am mixing my love for journalism with my passion for all things economics to bring my opinion to you!
