An average student in college often deals with the pressures of meeting deadlines, while also balancing a healthy social life. Let’s not forget; there are also times where a college student may feel as if 24-hours simply isn’t ample time to accomplish their daily tasks.
However, a typical student must realize that there are a variety of other students who have workloads that require a more rigorous schedule-student-athletes to be exact.
Student-athletes have some of the most, if not the most, difficult schedules to maintain as a scholar in college.Student-athletes are also entitled to upholding the standard of being an above-average student in the classroom, while also performing well in the sport in which they play.
Willie Clayton, who graduated from Georgia State’s undergraduate program, is currently in his first semester in graduate school at the university. Every day is considered to be a busy one for Clayton, but he elaborated for The Signal on which day of the week is the busiest day for him.
5 – 5:30 a.m. Clayton wakes up to walk Jace, his one-year-old dog, who is a black labrador mixed with a Terrier.
5:30 – 7:15 a.m. After walking his dog, Clayton will now go back to bed. He said that he sets his alarm for 7:15 a.m. to fully begin his day. It is worth mentioning that Clayton usually doesn’t eat breakfast in the morning due to a heavy dinner the night before.
7:15-7:45 a.m. Clayton makes his way to the training facility located near the Sports Arena to get certain body parts taped before the team’s practice.
8:30-10 a.m. Clayton is highly engaged in practice.
After practice, Clayton takes this time to eat and refresh before heading to his first class of the day.
12:30-1:30 p.m. Clayton is in his first class of the day, which is his special education class.
Clayton mentioned that he is currently working towards attaining his master’s degree in special education, where he plans on becoming a teacher sometime after his basketball career.
1:30-3:30 p.m. Clayton quickly arrives at his second and final class of the day, which is his perspectives course.
After his last class ends, Clayton said that he makes his way to the cafeteria where he will eat again then head to his room and “chill” with his dog, or invite his friends over. As a whole, Clayton considers his day to be “a wrap” after his last class ends.
9 p.m. Clayton eats his last meal of the day.
2 a.m. Clayton said he goes to bed at this time every night except nights before games, such as a Thursday or Friday.
Willie wants you to know
“I talk to my family a lot throughout the day,” Clayton said as to what he really wants his fans to know about his everyday life. “I call my mom, I call my father–my sisters call me when they want to check up on me with basketball.”
Clayton expressed how much his family meant to him, and he mentioned that it is important to him that he has such a great support system. He credits them for always being there when he needs to talk.
“In this profession, man, it can get tough,” Clayton said. “You need your family to have your back and to vent to.”