Every year during our first weekend back in school there’s an event that all comic book collectors, anime fanatics, and super heroes and villains’ enthusiast attend, DragonCon. Here’s what some of your peers had to say about the occasion’s closeness to the campus and their anticipations.
Junior English major Jared Holewinski: “The convention being close to the school doesn’t have an effect on me since I easily get there from Peachtree station and [I’m] looking forward to meeting and playing awesome games with a lot of cool people.”
Senior exercise science major Michelle Francis shares a somewhat similar opinion. “I’m super excited about DragonCon being so close to GSU. I have the privilege of seeing our DragonConers up close and personal since I work at Hard Rock Cafe. Usually people come from all over the world to participate in DC and stop in our store for specialized pin sets. You will never get that close to a drunken “super Mario character” slurring words while trying to scarf down a burger except during DragonCon. I’m looking forward to the different costume ideas this year. It’s amazing to see how the usually considered awkward or introverted people, shine. This is their moment and to see how excited they are to explain their outfit or what cool new gadget they’re going to buy, fascinates me.”
Angelica Guilbeaux, political science major sophomore says “Arrow, the whole cosplay, and who best fits the exact character. It’s really convenient especially [for] those who’re really into it. You can really just walk down the street.”
I hope you guys enjoy the event!