Atlanta Citizens continue to defy Trump
Protesters make a final effort to prevent Trump’s presidency as they chant, “this is what democracy looks like,” while they convene outside of Georgia’s statehouse to convince the Republican elects to support another candidate besides Trump. According to AJC the action will possibly be unsuccessful because, “There was no sign of dissent among the electors.”
President Obama voices his views on the Syrian Crisis
President Barack Obama called for a citizen evacuation of Syria, while President Assad regimes regains control of the rebel crisis in his last press conferences if the year according the U.S News. He estimated that half a million people have been killed, while millions of others have been displaced as a result of the five-year civil war. A call for a “broader cease-fire that can be the basis for a political, rather than a military resolution,” was also made and Obama assured that it would continue on even when he is out of office. He continued to criticize President Vladimir Putin for inhibiting an international response by use of a veto in the U.N Security Council.
Syria has come to a cease fire
According to Global News Syria has come to a cease fire and buses are being deployed to evaluate the citizens, 2,000 of them are estimated to be wounded. Within a few hours the U.N Security Council is expected to vote on a resolution that will deploy U.N monitors to prevent “mass atrocities” as the Syrian Government regains control of the rebels.