Weekly astrology readings: Sept. 10, 2013

Vedic Astrology forecast: In the forecast for the second week of September, the sign of Leo will be pouring physical and mental heat into our lives. There will be a late summer heat wave with more break-out fires in the community. Whether it is properties or personal interactions things will be “heating up,” and with Mercury in Leo as well, this will yield very hot communications. So everyone needs to keep a “cool head.” Think before you speak and watch the egomaniac tenancies.

Venus goes into her sign of Libra and this will improve everyone’s out-look through the medium of the arts. Listen to some nice inspirational music, go dancing, see a good movie and pleasure the loved ones. Venus in Libra will help us take the hot edges off of Mercury and the Sun, and add sweetness into our lives. Take advantage of this kind energy from our love goddess. Good luck!

Aries Horoscope: (Apr 13 – May 14)

Even though these are still emotional times for our Aries natives, you will be getting some much needed support from the Moon transiting through Scorpio this weekend. This will have a cooling effect on your sexual relationships and have you thinking of the life-after. There is a chance of receiving some inheritance or funds from your environment. You still must watch your temperament and some depressive thoughts, but surround yourself with positive ladies and this period will be much better to tolerate.

Taurus Horoscope: (May 15 – Jun 13)

Our Taurus natives can finally take a breath of fresh air with their ruler Venus finally out of her decadent sign of Virgo. She is now in Libra, which will help you tremendously in accomplishing your immediate goals. If there is anything you have put off in the past, do it now. Don’t let this very auspicious period past you by.

Gemini Horoscope: (Jun 14 – Jul 13)

With your ruler Mercury in the sign of Leo with the Sun, Our Gemini natives are dealing with real hot communications. Watch your tempers during this time, a trivial comment to someone can explode into fiery or violent reactions. Think really hard before you speak. On the positive side, you should have a strong sense of leadership and “bright intelligence,” which can help you communicate the highest information to help others around you. Expanding on this positive energy will make you very popular among your peers. Keep an eye on the ego.

Cancer Horoscope: (Jul 14 – Aug 13)

With your ruler, the Moon transiting in the signs of Libra in early part of week and then ending up in Scorpio by the weekend, this will give Cancer natives an exhilarating and unpredictable week. Starting with love of songs, dance, and all forms of beautiful things, you may find yourself spending way above your budget trying to enjoy it all, then by the weekend falling into a depression about the over-spending. Keep a balance. Money will be coming your way this week, don’t lose your head over trying to have a good time. If this warning is followed, this could be a positive time for you.

Leo Horoscope: (Aug 14 – Sept 13)

Our Leo natives still feel on top of the world and with Mercury now in your sign, the sky is the limit! Mercury will give you a boost if “strong” communications. This is a good time to ask for that promotion, start a team project, start a business or expand a present one. Whatever you do, don’t waste these opportunities. Put your best foot forward and go for the gusto.

Virgo Horoscope: (Sept 14 – Oct 13)

Our Virgo natives can finally get back to their “chaste” librarian nature, now that “wild-butt” Venus has left their house.  You can settle down now to the ordinary rhythms of life and get your many projects accomplished. With your ruler Mercury in Leo (with the Sun), you will feel a keen sense of pride in everything you do and have “bright intelligence” in support of your immediate choices. Put your best foot forward and get the things done quickly. Watch your temper.

Libra Horoscope: (Oct 14 – Nov 13)

Your ruler Venus has finally left her decadent sign of Virgo, and moved into her own house of Libra. This will give your personality a very powerful and beautiful constitution. Your natural qualities of discriminative judgment, artistic creations and keen sense of beauty will be at their best. This month will be a great time to start a new project, business, or complete an unfinished one. Put your best foot forward and ask for a promotion at your job or “get married” to that special loved one. Whatever the case, this is your time of year to shine your glories to the world! God bless you, baby!

Scorpio Horoscope: (Nov 14 – Dec 15)

Our Scorpio natives will be getting a much-needed boost from the Moon, when she transits your sign this coming weekend. You should expect: vivid dream communications, nurturing care from the mother or motherly types in your life and a cooler demeanor of your personality. Take advantage of this natural cool-out period, and keep a low profile.

Sagittarius Horoscope: (Dec 16 – Jan 12)

Getting in contact with old friends or making new ones is the name of the game at this time. Our Sagittarius natives have four powerful planets in their house of friendships, and this is a very good time to reach out. Females will be very helpful in your life at this time. If you have a female boss, instructor, or just friendship ask them for favors, dates, loans or promotions. They will find you very attractive and exciting. Just keep a balance and don’t ask for too much; they could become temperamental. Outside of this, you should enjoy the company of beautiful ladies in your life (this includes our female Sagittarians also).

Capricorn Horoscope: (Jan 13 – Feb 15)

Capricorns are dealing with “career issues” with the Moon, Saturn, Rahu and Venus in your tenth house of careers. This is the time of year to make your moves. Apply like crazy for scholarships, internships, a new career or advancement in a present one. Females will play a key role in helping you get from A to B. Take advantage of their positive input, and go for the gusto! Keep a balance with your loved ones, but explain to them that this is a very opportune time in your life and your advancement will help everyone involved including them. Be gentle, but firm, and focus on your goals.

Aquarius Horoscope: (Feb 16 – Mar 14)

Aquarians will be having more luck with their fathers, fatherly figures, male teachers, spiritual guides, religious leaders or spiritual-masters. Money will be coming your way through the males (or male-like females), in your life. This will be a very inner meditative time for you. With four powerful planets in your house of the father, wisdom and inner truths, you will find yourself pursuing the deep answers about life. You may find this information through watching documentaries, reading books or having deep discussions with wise people in your community. Of course with Venus in Libra, you will feel the intense pressures to enjoy the flesh like everyone else in the zodiac; however, you must watch this element in your life. Too much fun can have you spending more money than you have and suffering from hangovers. So keep a balance.

 Pisces Horoscope: (Mar 13 – Apr 12)

As long as Mars is in Cancer, our Pisces natives must still keep a close eye on the children under your care, because Mars could bring harm to them. But this week will have you dealing with receiving money from your college or females in your life. There are four planets in your eighth house; the house of death, inheritance, divorce and sexual organs. So do not be surprised to hear about a sudden death of a distant relative who put you in their will. Most likely though, you will be receiving money from loans or gifts from friends, motherly figures or female lovers. Have some fun, and keep a balance with your other responsibilities.