‘Try Me’ Week: Yoga Mix

With Georgia State Rec Center’s “Try Me Week” ending
on a Friday I had the preconceived idea that many of the instructional clinics
offered on that day would be rather empty.

The image of practicing yoga for the first time in a room with no more than ten other students thrilled my introverted soul and so I patiently waited for the bareness that I knew a Friday yoga mix class would give me.

I casually walked in ten minutes early, assured that I would get the best spot in the room, but at the sight of at least twenty eager pupils seated on their mats with their yoga props my enthusiasm crumbled.

By 12 p.m., after turning about five people away due to a lack of space, there was a total of thirty-eight people in the room.

Before officially beginning the class the instructor Alison Taylor warned the overly large class that there were only about twenty spots remaining.

Taylor also teaches hatha yoga, flow yoga and a pilates class all at the Rec Center. I had the pleasure of trying out her Tuesday pilates class earlier this week, which wasn’t as packed as this yoga mix class.

Taylor says that the popularity of her class may be due to its level of intensity.

“It’s an all levels class so if you’ve been doing yoga you can come and if you haven’t been doing yoga you can come too,” Taylor said.

Compared to her pilates class the yoga mix class is less of a workout and more of work down.

By combining different yoga styles that stretches both the upper and lower body you’re able to free your body from the stresses and strains that your week might have been filled with.

I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this class if you want an intense, sweat dripping workout. However, the yoga mix class is stilled filled with its own challenges such as balancing which Taylor says requires both physical and mental strength.

Taylor also emphasizes breathing techniques, which she believes should be implemented even when not exercising as they calm the spirit.

The entire ambience of Taylor’s class is quite serene as her soft, fluid voice coupled with the peace of the dimly lit room paves the way for a lovely fifty-minute stress relieving workout.

Alison Taylor’s fifty minute yoga mix class will take place every Friday this semester at 12 p.m. in Studio B of the Georgia State Rec Center.

To register, visit the front desk of the Rec Center. Space is limited.