Horoscope: The earth signs rule for the New Year


Kaushalya Charan De


January 19, 2013; 4:15pm – 9:33pm


Astrology Readings for; January 21 – 27, 2014


The Astrology technique I will be using for these weekly Astro-readings will be of the discipline called “Vedic” Astrology. Vedic astrology is translated with the “side-real” time of the Zodiac; this is using the “real” time of the rotation of the planets. The Western Astrology system is 37 degrees (37 days) off from the real time of the planets. What this means is most people in the Western countries are really a different sign than what they are told. I have put the sidereal dates next to the astrology signs so you can accurately see your true sign. This Vedic astrology specializes in predicting everyday occurrences that may affect us in our movements upon this planet in this life-time and beyond.


Vedic Astrology forecast: In the forecast for later part of January 2014, the dynamic energy of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus has emerged into our lives. The Sun and Mercury has entered into Capricorn last week, which released earthly passion for our aggressive individuality. This will help us get grounded and get what we need to get done to start the New Year off right. Venus in Sagittarius will have our passions in the field of helping others with the emergencies, and Mars in Virgo will cool down some of the violent hot-heads running amok on the planet. Of-course Mars’s passionate nature is struggling in Virgo, because Virgo is a nonsexual sign (the Virgin). This is frustrating for our passionate signs of Scorpio and Aries, but they will be alright, just take a chill-pill and wait until Mars gets out of that sign. Overall, we will have plenty of energy to get things accomplished. Try not to bite off more than you can chew, because too many obligations can overwhelm your life. Things that have been lingering on the wishful thinking list will come forward to demand your attention. Be careful of what you desire, there is a chance you will get it and it may not be what you want. Think before you speak and act. Watch your tempers.



*Aries Horoscope: (Apr 13 – May 14)


Aries, like Scorpios are feeling the lack of passion with their ruler Mars hanging out in Virgo. This placement will have a slowing down effect on our Aries folks and make them more grounded. Aries love to move fast, but with this energy there is a chance of getting into accidents. So, slow down. The positive side of Virgo is the mental support system she will give your life. Ideals will pop-up from nowhere and help you with your class assignments. And, like I told Scorpios, do not take the lack of sexual passion personal and buy up a ton of sex help products. It is only Virgo non-sexual nature affecting your libido. It will come roaring back after Mars leaves this sign.


*Taurus Horoscope: (May 15 – Jun 13)


Our naturally mild and joyous Taurus natives will be feeling the heat of their ruler Venus burning with desire in Sagittarius. You will have a strong sense of following your dreams and doing something meaningful with your life. Sagittarius passion is not like Aries sexual passion, but one of having a mission for the good of mankind. This will be a mood for our Taurus natives for this month. Find a non-profit group to join, helping people in the community. This placement will still have you fiery and a little temperamental, so it is best to use tis energy in a positive outlet. Even if you do not want to help a group in the society, use it to help friends and family members.


*Gemini Horoscope: (Jun 14 – Jul 13)


There are calm, down-to-earth communications going on with our Gemini folks. Your ruler Mercury in the earthy feminine sign of Capricorn helps ground our “air-head” Geminis. You will be attracted to the more morbid side of life because Capricorn is in your eighth house, the house of death, wills, inheritances and vitality. There is a chance of hearing of a death in the family and you being named in the will. Or, you may just be writing about issues concerning these matters. There may be misunderstandings in your communications, because your mind will be moving slower than your mouth.Think before you speak. At least your emotions will be in check and things needing to be done will be easier for your to complete. Capricorn’s responsible nature will help you see clearly the steps in following through with your projects. Try not to daydream, this could be very time consuming. There will be some support from the Virgo Moon over the weekend, which will help our Gemini natives with their imagination. Just stay focused on your goals and everything should work out this week.


*Cancer Horoscope: (Jul 14 – Aug 13)


Our Cancers will be full fire and brimstone this week with their ruler the Moon traveling through the Leo sign. You will find yourself more demanding of respect and worship from your admirers. The energies of the Leo-Moon will have you feeling like a Queen/King, a demanding dictator one minute, and a nurturing Queen-mother the next. Your associates are going to have a hard time figuring you out. However, by the weekend when your ruler enters Virgo, things should calm down. Virgo will make you more practical and a home-body. So, just roll with the punches until quieter times.


*Leo Horoscope: (Aug 14 – Sept 13)


The Moon is in the sign of Leo, and our Leos are feeling like transsexuals. When the Moon is in the sign of Leo or the Sun is in the sign of Cancer, their natives if they are a man have the unique experience of feeling the emotions of a woman. While female Leos have the unique experience of feeling to have the temperament of a man. It is when the Ying & Yang of our personalities mix. Our Leos will find pleasures being around their mothers during this time, and sharing their ideals with them. The Moon will give you a sense of well-being, and cool-headedness. But, do not get to comfortable and forget your duties and responsibilities. There will be a tendency to get “caught-up” in motherly things and fall behind in assignments at school or work. Outside of this, this is a rare relaxing time for our Leos to feel the emotions of the mother. Enjoy it while you can.


*Virgo Horoscope: (Sept 14 – Oct 13)


Our naturally cool natured Virgos will have a great time keeping their cool with hot-headed Mars transiting their sign for the next few months. Things that usually would not bother you at all will have you having a hissy-fit. And, even though Mars is your sign you will have extra energy to get things accomplished, and add more passion to your usually boring sex life. His presence is intent on your temperament. So, I suggest you do things that will calm your nerves like yoga, meditation, drinking relaxing herbal teas or getting a massage from your loved ones. Everything should work to your advantage if you are able to keep a cool head.


*Libra Horoscope: (Oct 14 – Nov 13)


Your ruler Venus is now in fiery Sagittarius adding a missionary outlook to your everyday life. This transit will yield a very intense period for our Libra natives giving them the feeling of wanting to save the world or-at least a little part of it. Brother and sister relationships will be demanding attention from you and you will find yourself either helping them with finances or just moral support. You are still dealing with the two planets in your sign; Rahu and Saturn that make you deal with your personal relationships in unique ways. They could either be good or bad, but whatever they are, they are very intense with these two planets acting-out in your sign. Still you should be able to accomplish most of your goals this year with this energy. Just keep a cool head with all the emotions running high. Do not argue with partners. If this is done, you will be able to keep a balance in your life


*Scorpio Horoscope: (Nov 14 – Dec 15)


Scorpions are feeling the energy of Virgo with their ruler Mars transiting in that sign. This will make you an earthy creature wanting to get physical more than usual. Working on cars, getting into nature, planting a garden or participating in a sport that brings you near the earth, are some of the symptoms of Virgo’s energy. The one thing Scorpios will not like about this sign is Virgo’s nonsexual influence. Scorpios are the most sexual sign in the zodiac, and to have this aspect of their personality clipped in anyway is a source of anxiety for them. However, this is the trade off with having your ruler in Virgo. The sign will give you an abundance of ideals and strong communication skills, but damper the excitement in the sex department. Just tolerate it. Don’t go out and spend thousands of dollars on sex help products, it is not your fault. It is only Mars in Virgo, and he will be in there for a few more months. Take advantage of the positive things that this sign can offer you and ignore the negative aspects. If this is done, you will find success in accomplishing some of your major goals during these months.


*Sagittarius Horoscope: (Dec 16 – Jan 12)


Our Sagittarius natives are feeling the sweetness of Venus I their sign. This is a time for dancing, singing, and enjoying lovers of all kinds. Of-course with the semester just starting, you will have to keep a balance. Too much fun will make life harder in the long run. There is a good chance of finding a very wise and supportive partner I all of this if you search with your intelligence instead of your lust components. With Jupiter (your ruler) in your house of love, he could bring you a very intelligent partner that will give you wise advice and truthful guidance in your world. They are worth searching out, because true love will be at your fingertips. Also, with Venus in your sign, she will make your intelligence sharp and clear during this period, and it should be used to further your advancement at school and work. Overall, this could be a very rewarding time for you if you use your intelligence more than your emotions.


*Capricorn Horoscope: (Jan 13 – Feb 15)


Capricorns have the fiery Sun and communicative Mercury is their sign this month, which means you will be a temperamental little ambitious person at work and school. You are usually very cool natured and show very little emotions about things, however not this week. Our Capricorn folks will be expressing their pent-up emotions for the world to see. Things that have been bothering them for months will now come to a head, and anyone around them better watch out! And, in some cases it is about time. Even though Capricorns are usually very responsible in their duties, when it comes to their personal needs, they tend to ignore them and this is not good. So, this week the universe will make you face-up to things personally affecting your life and to communicate it to those who care about you. You need to express yourself, now is the time.


*Aquarius Horoscope: (Feb 16 – Mar 14)


Aquarians may be feeling financial pressures and poor health this week. It is best to budget everything you spend on until more money is secured. Do not be a spend-thrift, because there may be some delays in money that is supposedly coming. Keep an eye on your eating habits. Take supplements like Niacin, Valerian, and vitamin C herbs that can help support your nervous system. There is a tendency to stress your body out and make it sick. On the creative levels your mental state is very strong, it seems like all you have to do is think of something and ideals come pouring into your head. This will be very positive tool to use to write your papers in classes or influence your boss or instructors. So, despite the challenges this month, there are positive out-lets you can take advantage of and you should.





*Pisces Horoscope: (Mar 13 – Apr 12)


This year probably ended on the note of dealing with the motherly figures in your life and communication with them. Also, there are definitely issues in the love department of your life. Between these two issues, our Pisces natives are having hell to pay with the lovers or marriage partners, and they will be running to Moms for solace and sound advice. This is not the best time to have a relationship of any kind. Do things on your own and help Moms out, or whoever is playing the role of your mother in your life. Relationships are bringing arguments and violence your way, it is best to use this energy to concentrate on accomplishing your immediate goals, than be fighting with a “hard-headed” person.