The crowd of students that can be seen waiting for the Panther Express shuttle outside of GCB can be likened to herds of animals. Some are graceful gazelles while others are predatory lions. I sat on the steps of GCB with my bag of skittles and watched what would turn out to be an episode right off of the Discovery channel. As the shuttle approached, I saw the lions get in position, pushing their way to the front of the curb, helpless gazelles falling to the sides. I could see the hunger in their eyes, their mouths foaming for a spot amongst the big blue savior. The gazelles fall behind, reluctantly letting their aggressors pass by. This was truly “survival of the fittest.”
Students like Cemilie Thebaud find themselves “waiting 20-30 minutes to catch a 5 minute ride.” Why doesn’t this add up?! Here’s why: According to students, the driver’s not only make stops that are off the route to pick up stray students but apparently do not follow the set routes listed on the Panther Express website. While I understand taking shortcuts, this isn’t fair to students who wait at the stops passed up.
Making it onto the shuttle is only half the fight, however. “With the amount of students that come on the bus, I’d rather walk,” Cemilie informs me. Seemingly, in an effort to save trips, drivers seem to allow as many students on the shuttle as they can, packing them in like doughnuts in a ziplock bag! Curious, I took an evening trip on the Panther Express and found my face having light conversation with another students butt. If you’re not into PDA then this ride is surely not for you.
We pay for this transportation when we pay our fees and yet we are forced to take MORE money out of our pockets and pay parking garages to avoid this solvable inconvenience. So, what can be done about this? Glad you asked! With anything chaotic, organization is the key! I have 3 simple solutions: 1) Students should align themselves along the sidewalks of the stops and enter the shuttle in a single-file line (we learned this in elementary school folks!) 2) Drivers should only allow a set # of students on…not CAPACITY. And 3) Driver’s should not deviate from the routes listed on the Panther Express Website.
What we have to realize is that making this experience more civil will not only convenience ourselves but that of our fellow friends and peers. A healthy body needs healthy limbs, organs, and so on. We’re not lions, gazelles, or tortoises…we’re all Panthers! All part of the same herd! Let’s join together and make this experience convenient for us all!