The Global Experience Scholarship (GES), Coca-Cola Global Ambassador Scholarship and the International Education Fee Scholarship (IEFS) are all due in the study abroad office on this Friday.
IEFS is awarded to students who have a 2.75 GPA. Students who receive this scholarship are awarded $1000 and they must have 5 hours of documented volunteer time with the Study Abroad Office.
The Coca-Cola Global Ambassador Scholarship is for first-generation college students. Students must have a 2.75 GPA and the inclination will be given to Robinson College of Business students.
GES is aimed towards students who have never been out of the country before, either for studies or personal reasons. The award amount varies between recepients, but if eligible, it can cover up to all of the program expenses. The application requirements include an essay and two faculty recommendations.
The office is located on the fifth floor at 10 Park Place South next to the Roly Poly sandwich shop.
To learn more about scholarship opportunities visit the Study Abroad website at http://mystudyabroad.gsu.edu/scholarships-financial-aid/scholarships/.