Steve Harvey makes his mark at Georgia State

Steve Harvey.

Yesterday, Georgia State was honored to welcome international star of television and stand-up, Steve Harvey. One of the most distinguished speakers to visit Georgia State, Harvey is known not only as a King of Comedy, but also as an author, actor, and host of the show “Family Feud”.

Harvey held a short press conference, and then proceeded to speak to the Georgia State human body at the Sports Arena. His monologue consisted of motivational words, inspirational anecdotes, and influential proverbs to enlighten students.

“I’ve been blessed with a skill set by the almighty.” Harvey said. “There is no class that can be taught for my stage presence, comedic style, or timing.”

Harvey explained the struggles he faced from early childhood, including early experiences where he was discouraged from entertaining.

“My teacher asked me what I wanted to be.” Harvey said. “When I told her I wanted to be on TV, she told my mother that I was being ridiculous and problematic in the classroom for saying something so absurd.”

Harvey further explained how he wrote down his dreams of becoming an entertainer and “subconsciously conditioned” himself every day by looking at the paper.

“The reason you write is because you’re embedding it into the back of your conscience.” Harvey said. “When the opportunity presents itself, your subconscious will act upon your desires without effort.”

Steve Harvey.
Steve Harvey spoke at Georgia State Monday. Nov. 18.

Harvey also expressed his sentiments about the college education system, claiming it’s not fair for students to make a lifetime commitment at such a young age.

“The degree in college teaches you how to complete a task more than it prepares you for work.” Harvey said. “It’s more about you seeing something through to the end. Education isn’t the most important thing in my opinion for college students. It’s about following your dream and fulfilling your vision.”

Harvey also explained the determination it took for him to remain focused, and finally making a breakthrough towards success.

“Everyone has a ‘turn back’ moment.” Harvey said. “It’s that point when you feel like you should quit. I felt that moment at one point when I was homeless and couldn’t get work. The day I was about to quit, I got a phone call to perform at the Apollo Theater. Eventually they made me the host, and at that very moment, I had fulfilled my life dream. You never know when your moment will come.”