Spring Break’s coming, but are we really “breaking?”

It’s the one week during the spring semester that you look forward to, you can unapologetically be on your worst behavior and party without regret or judgment. http://goo.gl/hWKkq9 of you will make up missed hours at work and show your bank account some affection, while others are solidifying the final details of their trip. But no one’s taking an actual break. We get so caught up in trying to live up to the college expectation of partying that we forget the purpose of spring break is to actually take a break.

If you’re traveling for your week-long vacation, that means you had to choose a place to visit, save your money, travel to your destination, arrange living and sleeping accommodations for the week, keep track of your spending and then eventually pencil in having fun. Where exactly is your break?

For those of you working, yes, those hours will be “easy money” because some people are on spring break. But you’re still working. You have to stick to an assigned schedule, travel to and from work, and deal with demanding overbearing customers for a minimum of eight hours a day.

After all-nighters, moments of wishing there were more hours in a day and consistently rolling over hitting that snooze button for the 4th time, you’re tired. If you’ve been stressed out all this semester, then your goal should be to escape and distance yourself from anything that resembles school and work.

The only studying that should occur is the study of the inside of your eyelids; all of you insomniacs and those suffering from sleep deprivation, this is your time to catch up. Take this time off to enjoy and get to know yourself. We’re surrounded by strangers, classmates and professors all day, so it would be nice to be have some time alone.

Remember that book you’ve be meaning to finish? Or the new season of your favorite series that’s been sitting in your DVR for months now? Revisit them. They await. Your hectic class schedule has forced you to abandon your family and friends, so spend some quality time with them. I’m sure they’ll greatly appreciate it.

By the end of the break, you’ll log in to Instagram and see pictures of people having a blast. They will have overused and created new hashtags, and you may feel like you have nothing to show for your break. Well, think about the first thing most people do when they get back home: sleep.

They’ve been having the time of their lives, but when they get home, they’ll be just as tired and worn out as they were when they left for the trip. That defeats the purpose of the vacation. Not to mention those who partied hard have an even more difficult time of adjusting to their regular schedule. Bask in knowing that you’re rejuvenated and prepared to finish out the semester successfully.

Panama City Beach will always be there, clubs and bars aren’t going anywhere and your boss will print out new work schedules, but the opportunity to chill out doesn’t come as often. So keep calm and let the relaxation commence!