Fatoumata Barry
Fatoumata Barry: My most important goal for speaker is to get more of student body participation. In a lot of other schools, the student government officials are very known and participates in a lot of activitivies while getting to know their constituents. They also have the opportunity to hear their voices while at these events. So I will make it is my goal to work with the senators and create more events that students will be interested in.
Fatoumata Barry: As a head senator for the college of arts and sciences, I learned a lot of different ways to help bridge the gap between SGA and the student body. It’s hard to get students to participate because everyone has different schedules and are interested in different things. The way to bridge the gap is to make sure we talk and do things the student body is interested and attained to. If we do more things that will help change school life for the better, then we see more students and get to hear their thoughts and opinions.
Jessica Siemer
Jessica Siemer: My biggest goal as Speaker is to increase participation in SGA. Going into this election season, all eight graduate seats and three undergraduate seats at the Atlanta campus have zero candidates running for them. As a graduate student myself, I understand the challenges of balancing a leadership role on campus with my own academic goals. In the role of Speaker, I hope to make the administrative side of SGA more efficient and to provide more planning resources to Senators tackling initiatives. By doing this, I hope to maximize the efforts put forth by our Senate. Ultimately, I am confident that this will make SGA a worthwhile experience for our Senators and increase the quality of service and representation for our student body.
Jessica Siemer: I think that the Senate this year has made great strides in increasing our interaction with the student body. As Chair of Academic Affairs for the Atlanta campus, I was able to see what components contributed to success for my own projects such as the “Review, Refresh, Recharge!” program during finals week. In this upcoming year, I think that it is important for the Senate to build on this success. As Speaker, I would work extensively with the Director of Communications to ensure that all students know about our initiatives.
Maia Brown St. Aude
Maia Brown St. Aude: My most important goal as Speaker of the Senate is to be a voice on behalf of the students, faculty/staff that have concerns or want to see change happen on their campus in order to promote a safer, healthier, and inviting environment.
Maia Brown St. Aude: The way that I will bridge the gap between SGA and the student body is using my voice, allowing a direct communication to speak and listen to the students’ concerns. I will then try to navigate them in the right direction in order for them to get their questions or concerns answered in order to see them succeed here at Georgia State University.
Dawnyale Davis
This candidate did not respond to The Signal‘s inquiries by press time.