Nearly 40 missing children rescued in sex trafficking bust
On Aug. 27, the U.S. Marshals Service announced its rescue of nearly 40 missing children in a two-week operation called “Operation Not Forgotten”. The children, ranging from ages 3 to 17, have been missing and at risk of child sex trafficking, exploitation and abuse. Nine people were arrested on charges of sex trafficking and other related crimes. Children were found in 20 counties around Atlanta.
A Kenosha protest for Jacob Blake turns violent
On Aug. 23 in Kenosha, WI Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black man, was shot seven times in the back by Kenosha’s white police officers. Blake became the latest in the long list of victims of police brutality. On the night of Aug. 25, protests in Kenosha for Blake turned violent when 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two people and injured another. Rittenhouse was taken into custody Aug. 26 where he awaits his extradition hearing. President Trump is to travel to Kenosha on Sept. 1 to meet with law enforcement.
The country of Lebanon risks collapse
Following the Aug. 4 Beirut explosion, Lebanon risks collapsing entirely. The cabinet of Lebanon resigned on Aug. 10 after angry citizens proposed multiple accusations of corruption, conspiracy and negligence. Amid the political unrest, there is an economic and financial crisis consisting of hyperinflation and a currency crash. “This country is on the brink,” Foreign Minister Jean-Yves LeDrian said on the French commercial radio network, RTL.
Aug. 20
In a lofty state of mind
At 9:36 a.m., a Georgia State student was a complainant at the University Lofts for a drug law violation. There was a judicial referral.
Aug. 21
“Hey, Alexa! Play Little Big Town’s ‘Day Drinking’”
At Luckie St. and Broad St., a non-Georgia State offender was arrested at 12:39 p.m. for a liquor law violation.
Aug. 25
Tuesday’s tarnish
At 5:26 p.m., a non-Georgia State offender was arrested for criminal damage to property on Luckie St.
Aug. 26
No need for a parking permit
A non-Georgia State offender criminally trespassed the A Parking Deck at 3:19 p.m. The case was exceptionally cleared.
Aug. 27
“Roll down your window so that I can rob you!”
At 2:47 p.m., a non-Georgia State offender was arrested for an attempted theft from a vehicle at Edgewood Avenue.