How do you prepare for life after college?

Guest Column by Senatra Richards

Seniors, you’re finally at the end of your college career (feel free to do a happy dance) and you have probably had enough of the daunting question, “So, what are you going to do next?” It is almost equivalent to someone clicking a pen in an entirely silent room.

If you have the answer figured out, may the odds be ever in your favor. However, that is not always the case for a good number of students. I will use my reaction from last semester as an example: “What do you have planned after college?” (Cues in crickets sound effect.)

In all honesty, I would have loved to respond with a pageant-like statement such as, “Travel the world, create innovative projects and save mankind.” It was not until this semester — a few weeks ago to be precise — that the light bulb inside my head went off. What can I be doing now that will prepare me for life after college?

A concept — more like a skill — I never fully grasped while in college is saving finances. Spend, spend, spend! Recently, I realized how important having a budget truly is. The search for apartments quickly opened my eyes and the word ‘budget’ became my vocabulary’s best friend. One of the first steps to saving is calculating exactly how much you would like to put aside. It is vital to limit your amount of consuming to maintain this plan. Is that $4 Starbucks venti caramel macchiato coffee actually a daily necessity?

Another step to bracing yourself for the life after college is putting thought into where you are going to reside afterward. Yes, I know life on campus is memorable. You are probably going to be devastated to depart from your beloved dormitory. As the bearer of bad news, I must tell you the housing department will find someone to fill your empty nest with little to no remorse. For this reason, it is never too early to start the search for living arrangements. If you have an area in mind you would like to relocate to, check it out. You will be packed and ready to go when the time nears. Lastly, make sure it follows your financial budget.

The final way to prepare is by working towards your goals while you are still in college. If you want to travel the world, add a course to your schedule that teaches about various countries and cultures. That way you will be a well-informed tourist. If you want to create innovative projects, learn about what it takes to be an entrepreneur or what is needed to be a fruitful creator. If you want to save mankind, well, just get out there and do it!

Take full advantage of what Georgia State has to offer while you are still a student. Go to the resume workshops, career and organization fairs. Those emails you think are flooding your inbox may actually have substance and offer a learning experience. The time to make the most of your resources is now.

I have noticed that I no longer feel compelled just to give one answer that usually followed behind a blank stare.

So next time someone asks you, “Are you ready to graduate?” reply with confidence in yourself and your future.