It’s no mystery that Georgia State’s downtown presence is largely impacted by the arts of Atlanta. With an abundant amount of galleries and venues surrounding campus, joining the arts community may seem daunting.
Campus Events has created a program to combat that fallacy and together, with the Woodruff Arts Center, is enabling students with an affordable way to become exposed to the art, music and theater culture in Atlanta.
For $25 any student at Georgia State is able to purchase a Panthers at Woodruff pass which provides unlimited access to the High Museum of Art, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and the Alliance Theater.
The Panthers at Woodruff program invites you to join them in a celebration for the arts.

Quick Facts about Panthers at Woodruff
-A Panthers at Woodruff pass costs $25
-You have access to The High Museum, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and the Alliance Theater
-The pass is good for the entire academic year
-To each event you can bring one guest for a reduced price of $12
-You can purchase a pass on the third floor on the University Center at the Campus Tickets booth (near the bookstore)
-You can use your Panther Cash to purchase one pass
Try before you buy: Georgia State Night at the Woodruff Arts Center
On Oct. 24, all students, undergraduate and graduate, will be able to enjoy a night at the Woodruff Arts Center for free.
Regardless of if you have a Panthers at Woodruff pass or not, Campus Events is hosting an open house for students with a valid Georgia State ID card.
“There will be student art work, a reception with food and they will have access to the High Museum, with a performance in the instillation Mi Casa, Your Casa and watch the play Steel Magnolias at the Alliance Theater for free,” said Brianna Adams, Panthers at Woodruff director.
If you would like to learn more, Adams encourages students to head to the Woodruff Arts Center on Oct. 24 for your chance to experience the different opportunities. No pre-registration required.
“We want everybody to come out and potentially buy a pass because they’ll love it so much,” Adams said.
Q&A; with Brianna Adams, Panthers at Woodruff Director
Studio art major, junior

Q: Can you break down Panthers at Woodruff?
A: Campus Events and the Woodruff Arts Center partnered to make an affordable path for students to receive unlimited tickets or access to The High Museum. They can also go to shows at the Alliance Theater as seats are available. Woodruff reserves a certain number of seats for Georgia State Students. They can also see shows at the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Currently, they (ASO) are in a lockout so they cancelled all their shows, but hopefully by next semester that will be resolved.
Q: How did this idea come to be?
A: I know that Tech has been doing this for a while with the Woodruff Arts Center and I heard about it because my best friend goes to Tech. Then, all of a sudden, I’m hearing that we are getting this program as well. I think it was a mutual thing between Campus Events and Woodruff. Campus Events are into the arts and getting discounted tickets for students anyway, so it just came to be.
Q: As Panthers at Woodruff director, what are your responsibilities?
A: First and foremost, I’m in charge of promotion and getting Panthers at Woodruff out there. Since it’s a brand new program, people don’t know about it. I’m just trying to put out flyers, tell anybody and everybody and planning the Georgia State Night at the Woodruff Arts Center.
Q: Why was this position appealing to you?
A: I saw the position for Panthers at Woodruff and I initially thought it was events at Woodruff Park and I thought, ‘that’s a little interesting.’ My adviser started telling me more about it and it sounded really interesting because I’ve been to The High; I love it. I’m always interested in going to theaters and shows. Anything art-related I’m very interested in.
Q: Do you think it is important for students to get exposed to the arts in Atlanta?
A: Most definitely. I feel like a lot of people don’t know that Atlanta used to be this huge Mecca for the arts. That’s actually why the Woodruff Arts Center was created and why The High is so known and respected. Students have this really amazing opportunity to see the arts.
I don’t want to sound biased or anything, I am an art major, but everything around you is art. The way grass grows, the way chairs are designed, signs, everything. So I think to have an appreciation for it is just to have an appreciation for life and to better understand the world around you. This gives students a very easy and cheap opportunity to see, learn and be exposed to all the talent, culture and art that Atlanta has to offer.
Q: Do you have any personal recommendations for events coming up this season?
A: I definitely think the play “Steel Magnolias” is going to be amazing. I’m really excited for that myself. Also next semester “Tuck Everlasting” is coming to Atlanta which will be great too. There is an instillation at the High Museum of Art called “Mi Casa, Your Casa,” and it’s really interesting.
The High Museum of Art
The access you will receive to the High Museum of Art is not limited to the exhibitions themselves.
With a Panthers at Woodruff pass students also have ability to enjoy a lot The High’s events such as Friday Night Music Remix, Conversations with Contemporary Artists and Single Mingle.
The museum has an extensive permanent collection that can transport you throughout time and the world, but the visiting exhibitions are not something to pass over.
“Cézanne and The Modern” is the upcoming exhibition arriving at The High on Oct. 25. Freshen up on your Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art with works from Cézanne, Van Gogh and Manet.
The Alliance Theater
The upcoming season for the Alliance Theater is one filled with fan favorites.
“Steel Magnolias” will open tomorrow, Oct. 22, and will play until Nov. 9. “A Christmas Carol” will be performed during the holiday season and “Tuck Everlasting” will grace the stage next semester opening on Jan 21.
With a Panthers at Woodruff pass you are also granted access to Free Readings and the Film Series Screenings.
The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra is currently experiencing a lockout. Due to a disagreement about terms in their contracts, the musicians at ASO are locked out of performing at the Woodruff Arts Center until an agreement is reached.
“I know a lot of people wanted the pass specifically for the orchestra,” Adams said. “I would say just wait it out with us. Hopefully they’ll still experience the dancing, theater and the High Museum and hopefully next semester they’ll still have the opportunity to see the shows that the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra puts on once they are out of the lockout.”
Although Panthers at Woodruff pass members will not have free access to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, the ASO musicians are performing at other venues near campus.
They will be preforming at Eddie’s Attic on Nov. 23 for $12. If you would like to show your support and experience the magic of the orchestra, I highly recommend buying a ticket.
How to use a Panthers at Woodruff Pass
1. Buy the pass at the Campus Tickets booth.
2. It takes a day or two for your card to be activated.
3. Show your card to the front desk at the High Museum of Art
4. For the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and the Alliance Theater, reserve a ticket up to 72 hours in advanced for shows and performances at studentevents.gsu.edu/paw.
5. Follow the Woodruff Arts Center link and reserve tickets using the number on your Panthers at Woodruff card.
6. If you forget to register in time to reserve a seat, you can try your luck for a standby ticket by showing up to the venue the night of the event. Access not guaranteed.
“I feel like a lot of events and a lot of things that go on are on campus. That’s great, but I think an important part of college is branching out. I think students should not focus on being brought up by Georgia State but being brought up by Atlanta, the city as a whole,” Brianna Adams, Panthers at Woodruff Director, said.