Georgia State. Possibly the most liberal university in the South. I doubt there’s even a conservative corner on campus. Some colleges actually enforce a dress code whereas ours is practically inadmissible. Profane language is uttered in class nonchalantly. Smokers insubordinately chief on campus without fear of repercussion. The library is our pallet and whenever we’re upset we boycott like it’s in season. It seems like we’re pretty free. So, what more can we ask for? Well, in honor of Independence Day, here are a few proposals.
Wine and Cheese
First off, eating isn’t permitted in class. But typically, professors look the other way. I’m assuming to the left.
You don’t even have to drink to agree with this one. Tea and crumpets may be more up your alley. But imagine introducing a bit of chardonnay to your critical thinking class. Class discussions would be more elaborate and amusing. The openness, the leisure, the new profound thoughts that have been buried behind your disgust for the class will now flourish wildly, adding a new level of sophistication that encourages everyone’s participation and articulate profound perspectives.
Understandably, there need be some regulation. Individuals who favor Chief Keef and his song Hate Being Sober might go overboard with this proposition. But with limitations, a little communion shouldn’t hurt.
Stay Strapped
Carrying weapons has become a serious debate. So let’s seriously consider non-lethal weapons. How about tasers?
I’d feel more safe carrying one and wouldn’t mind others doing so. Plus, the likelihood of seeing someone tased is increased.
And you know that small bit of evil inside of you that laughs whenever witnessing someone else trip has been awaiting the opportunity to burst out in laughter after someone convulses till they soil themselves.
American Pie
Well, a piece of the pie. With all the money we invest into school, upon graduation we should be receiving something back other than a phone call asking us to make even more donations!
I’m not suggesting written checks to assist our settlement with Sallie Mae. But couldn’t we get a 401.K or tenure if it takes us more than 4 yrs to graduate. How about some royalties or something? I don’t know, this is more up Mitch’s alley but there’s enough revenue to come back around.
Our code of conduct is written much like the Constitution of the United States. Vague and much of it is left up to our interpretation. We don’t have many limitations nor high expectations except to stay out of trouble and graduate. But, there’s always something worth fighting for to keep us occupied.