Being a woman in this world consists of constant bitter realities. Biologically we suffer through the monthly visit of a disliked relative and when the right time unveils itself, we suffer a tiny human exiting a vital feature of our bodies; economically we suffer the unwavering barriers set forth around us that we continuously reject and aim to diminish; theologically we suffer the ancient allocation of our existence being beneath that of a man’s.
These pivotal realizations are a few among many that women must embark through daily however, the other bitter reality is that some women deal with exponentially more. Some women suffer through the lack of resources, knowledge and guidance woman should be granted. That’s where Sisters Helping Each Other and Pads for Princesses join the fight.
These two Georgia State organizations have separate agendas in the fight for women, but share the same end goal: aid in the battle against female injustice within this world. They are our modern-day Wonder Women.
Sisters Helping Each Other (SHE)
Sisters Helping Each Other (SHE) is a community service-based organization that focuses on connecting, empowering and inspiring fellow college women and young girls. They complete this task through various methods, such as mentorship, dialogue, service and the establishment of sisterhood.
The organization’s founder and president is Ashley Brooks, a junior Respiratory Therapy major, who saw a lack in the women supporting each other in the world and chose to do something about it.
“I noticed the need for a real organization on campus that actively uplifted and connected women and young girls. I noticed that girls like myself needed a safe haven, a place to call their own without judgement,” Brooks said. “SHE is an open, accepting, and comfortable space for any and all people. Members are just an extended family.”
Besides providing a refuge for women to feel content and accepted, the organizations also takes the proactive steps to aid females in and around the city of Atlanta.
“SHE has volunteered at the International Women’s House and also with MARTA for their annual Get Ready for Transportation Summit (GRT) conference. Being that mentorship is a huge part of the organization’s platform, SHE has partnered with the Bethel Center’s GIRLIE program. SHE members will also be paired with young girls in middle or high school and act as their mentors for six months,” Brooks said.
There are young girls and women in the world who have had the role of a strong female example missing from their lives, like a mother. With that unfortunate truth, the likely result will be that those girls will lose sight of the amount of power and wonder a woman contains, but SHE aims to help them find out. They don’t take the place of the important role only a mother can fill, but they hold a hand through the journey of self-empowerment and fellow female encouragement.
“I have hopes that this organization continues to push and challenge women and girls to support one another, to uplift each other instead of tearing one another down,” Brooks said. “We aim to create an open and honest dialogue surrounding issues that affect women and young girls in everyday life.”
One thing that SHE wants to make clear with their movement is that they don’t want to diminish the male’s existence in this world, the goal of feminism is for men and women to be equal, side by side. They want males to join their organization just as much as females, because it helps men realize the obstacles women face and the admirable humans that they are.
“We believe that this organization will not work without the support and inclusion of males in some form or another. It’s important that people know that SHE supports men as well and accepts them as members,” Brooks said.
Brooks’ main goal for Sisters Helping Each Other is that she wants women to realize that the greatest way to reach a strong grasp on personal empowerment is to help others reach it along the way. Especially given the drastic changes in the political realm of this country, she doesn’t want females to lose sight of what they are fighting for.
“I believe that the recent political change pushes the agenda for the equality and feminine movement to the forefront even more. I hope that organizations such as SHE can help educate and inspire women to take up more leadership positions and aid in change,” Brooks said. “One message I would give to the female community would be: Own your truth and accept the changes that may come. I believe the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service
of others.”
Keeping Informed
To learn about what upcoming projects SHE is involved with or to learn more on the organization, check out their social media pages.
Instagram & Facebook: @SHE.GeorgiaState
Twitter: SHEGeorgiaState
Contact Ashley Brooks: she.georgiastate@gmail.com
Pads for Princesses
There are women who are enduring far more than the average one, and every day they are stripped from the necessities and respect a woman should be granted, and unfortunately those women are plenty here in our very own concrete jungle.
“Pads for Princesses (P4P) is an organization orchestrated to serve the population of homeless women in Atlanta,” Candace Barr, founder and president of Pads for Princesses said. “We provide feminine care products to women dealing with homelessness in the Atlanta area through donations. P4P connects with outreach centers and organizations in the Atlanta area to distribute these products.”
The junior and Neuroscience major was inspired to start this organization after spending some time at local homeless shelters and witnessed the clear deprivation of female needs.
“Women would come in and ask for sanitary napkins and there would be none available. Through conversations with the director, I learned that feminine hygiene products were the least donated item,” Barr said.
Pads for Princesses have taken large initiatives to combine their work with this university, through attending functions, and they want to get their cause out there, because then residents and students will realize what is not usually spoken when seeing a homeless woman, they are still women, regardless of their economic situation.
“We have tailgated at Georgia State football games to spread the word. We have collected over a 1000 products and distributed them in Atlanta and surrounding areas,” Barr said. “In the residential community, we held a program called LIFE that raised homeless awareness and connected students with resources and volunteer opportunities on and off campus. The program was recognized nationally by NRHH. Pads for Princesses, was also recognized at Atlanta GLOW’s annual drive. In the future, we plan to do a volunteer night as a group and start a membership program.”
Barr made the realization that providing feminine care products for women wasn’t a major movement that people focus on, especially given that Atlanta is a hub for protesting major social injustices happening in our world, like Black Lives Matter and Love Trumps Hate. And even through the fight to end poverty has been apparent for several years, the hidden struggles of homeless women isn’t regarded to as often. Barr wanted to change that.
“Homelessness is pervasive in Atlanta. Feminine care products are a small need that people usually don’t think of giving. I felt that acknowledging the need could make a huge impact on our community. It’s just a reminder that someone is looking out for your best interest and you aren’t alone,” Barr said.
Barr understands that with the recent election it is easy for women to lose sight on what’s important for them, but women and young girls on the street need other women to not surrender the our fight.
“My hopes are that women stay encouraged and hopeful to continue to involve themselves in the feminine movement, because with everything going on it’s so easy to become discouraged and give up,” Barr said. “I think the best way this can be achieved is to stay connected with like minded people, then those people can be a support system. My hopes are that women and girls can collaborate to find other needs that aren’t being met and find a way to satisfy that need. I hope this organization empowers women to showcase their leadership capabilities.”
Barr wants members of Pads for Princesses and women in and around campus to take away something essential from this organization. Something that should remain in the back of the mind every day and never be forgotten.
“I want women to learn that there is always a way to help or add value to your surroundings/community, even if it’s just a wave or a smile. [We need to] build one another up, this is not a competition.”
Keeping Informed
Email Candace Barr at padsforprincesses@gmail.com
Visit and join the organization by signing into gsu.orgsync.com and searching Pads for Princesses and learning all about their group