Letter to the Editor | March 6, 2015

Lately, it’s difficult to turn on the news, read the paper or view social media without hearing something about the criminal justice system and mass incarceration.  The string of cop-related murders of young black men throughout the US has sparked conversations about how to deal with men suspected of criminal activity.

In order to balance the use of incarceration as the first and only method of handling deviant behavior a group of people in Atlanta formed takeAstand2015. An effort that grew out of Flashpoint, a Georgia Tech start-up accelerator.

Mass incarceration is a social issue that everyone is talking about, but we need more support to achieve equality in the justice system. takeAstand2015 is working with lawyers, families, non-profits and concerned citizens throughout Georgia to address this issue.

Most people see incarceration as a problem on the individual level, “Well, if you weren’t a criminal, you wouldn’t have been arrested. Stop committing crimes!”

Nothing is ever that black and white.  takeAstand2015 is working with non-violent first time offenders who’s criminal behavior is commonly caused by mental illness, drug use, their family lacking the means to sustain itself or all of the above. And help vital to recovery will not be received in prison.

takeAstand2015 has pledged to  help men who are seeking clemency and reduced sentencing to pay for attorneys (working at a discounted rate) to help them navigate the legal process to acquiring their freedom. And we need your help! We need to think of incarceration as one method of addressing criminal behavior not the only solution.

Without addressing the root of the issue, prisoners will eventually be released ill-equipped to function as productive citizens. Mass incarceration is a social issue that affects all of us, no matter your race or social standing.

One mistake can change the course of your whole life and the lives of those you love most.  Take A Stand for justice by following us on twitter, Facebook, and WordPress to help spread the word about our cause! Show your support by keeping an open mind, being aware, being active, and going to your social media sites to post your support for takeAstand2015.

To find out more about us and what you can do to help, go to takeastand2015.org.


Sources to back up stance:

Bonczar, Prevalence of Imprisonment in the U.S. Population-Supported by The Sentencing Project

Georgia Parole Board



Our Cause is supported by:

Michael Leo Monahan-Pro Bono Director of the State Bar of Georgia

Flashpoint @GeorgiaTech

Kurt Ronn, CEO of AGD Ventures

– Chelsea Wilkerson