Organization Type: Activism/ Awareness
President: Naomi Oke
Mission: Advocating for trafficked children within Georgia. Manumission’s main goals are to educate fellow students, lobby for important legislation and participate in community service for awareness.
Member count: About 50 regular members
Upcoming fall 2014 events: Once a month, Manumission will host Speaker’s Series lectures, inviting orators to provide information about their professions. In the past, the club has had State General Attorney Sam Olens, Senator Renee Untermann and GBI Sara Thomas speak during the lectures.
One Tuesday each month, Manumission will host a general body meeting. In addition to these monthly events, the organization will host a Human Trafficking Awareness Week in October.
Membership Fee: One-time fee of $15 for active participation with Manumission; however, students are welcome to all free events hosted by the organization.
African Students Association
Organization Type: Cultural/ Multicultural
President: Ethlena Macauley
Mission: Uniting students on the university’s campus by creating a powerful force and educating others about the different cultures found within Africa, according to Macauley.
Member Count: Over 100 regular members
Upcoming fall 2014 events: There will be an African Cup of Nations expected to be held in September and Taste of Africa planned for November. Taste of Africa will include African food sampling, dance acts and other performances. All other events will be emailed as they are planned.
Membership fee: $12 annual fee to start a membership; $10 annually for returning members
Sustainable Energy Tribe (S.E.T)

Organization Type: Environmental
President: Julie Smith
Mission: Advocating sustainable awareness at Georgia State, according to Smith. S.E.T said they try to accomplish this by going on trips such as their recent trip to LEED certification Indian Creek Lodge. Members participated in rope courses.
Member Count: 10-15 regular members
Upcoming fall 2014 events: No specific fall events are planned now but there may be hikes or bike rides in the Atlanta area. Smith said she would like to have volunteer events with local organizations centered on the same ideas as S.E.T. once or twice a semester.
The organization has a garden plot in Hurt Park and will have workdays/garden parties to collect food and start a fall garden. Meetings will be held from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. every Tuesday in that location.
Membership Fee: None
Anime Club
Organization Type: Special Interest
President: Haud Nomen
Mission: To bring together students who enjoy the art of Japanese animation. The Anime Club also wants to further the understanding of Japanese culture as a whole.
“Sometimes we talk about them, sometimes we just talk over them. Depends how serious the subject matter is,” Nomen said about watching anime during their meetings.
Member count: Each meeting ranges from 30-50 people depending on which film is screening and what times the meetings are held, according to Nomen.
Upcoming fall 2014 events: The Anime Club will meet twice a week to watch and discuss various anime films. The club said they hope to screen a film or two at Cinefest either at the beginning or end of the fall semester.
Membership Fee: None
Wesley Foundation at Georgia State University
Organization Type: Religious/Spiritual
President: Xi Wang
Mission: The Wesley Foundation strives to make disciples of Jesus Christ on the college campus. The organization also said they strive to offer unique worship, service and fellowship opportunities to students. They are also dedicated to leadership development through their Wesley Leadership Team and daily through their service models.
“We are supported by the United Methodist Church, but we welcome anyone regardless of background, religious affiliation or beliefs,” Angela Johnson, campus minister for the Wesley Foundation said.
Member count: 15 current members
Upcoming fall 2014 events: The Wesley Foundation meets on Monday nights in the University Center and offers free food and a biblical program. They also meet on Thursday nights in University Center 402. This fall they will be offering fellowship opportunities at a Braves game, Skyzone and board game nights.
Membership Fee: None
The Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity

Organization Type: Activism/Awareness
President: Aryn Prince
Mission: The organization was created to cater to the LGBTQIQA student population on campus. The Alliance was founded in 1982, making it the oldest queer-straight alliance in Georgia.
Member Count: Around 30 regular members.
Upcoming fall 2014 events: Events for the fall will not be announced until their first meeting, but Alliance is planning drag shows and other major events, according to the club’s former president, Taylor Alexander.
Membership Fee: None
For more information on clubs being chartered at Georgia State, check out the university’s Org Sync webpage.
I would also like to mention Secular Panthers, which is an organization for nonreligious students. We tend to have around 20 people at meetings, and we have big plans for next year! Check out our OrgSync page for more info: http://orgsync.com/61482/chapter