How Writing About Your Friends Increases Your Social Status

If you visit the Amazon website and type in the words, “The Mystery Method”, a book will appear that attempts to teach men how to get into bed with beautiful women. The book is twenty dollars. Take that how you will. The author, whose real name is Erik Von Markovik, goes by “Mystery” and blurbs on the Amazon sales page for his book: “Give more attention to her less attractive friend at first, so your target will get jealous and try to win your attention,” and, “Smile. Guys who don’t get laid, don’t smile.”

Now, this article isn’t a dig on Erik or his “method” for getting girls to sleep with him. I admit, I haven’t read his book, but I am familiar with the approach to dating–if that’s what you want to call it–Mystery and other “pick-up artists” have codified, enshrined and probably administered in night clubs, office space cubicles and nursing homes across the planet.

These methods have become popular among certain types of men, but demonstrate a seductively disingenuous and short-sighted way to win admiration and gain status with people. I don’t recommend using them. Whatever you believe about attracting others, you have to remember you’re dealing with real-life human beings. People want to know that you give a damn about them, if not forever, then at least in the brief moments that they are in your presence. For this reason, I want to share with everyone a unique and much better way to attract and connect deeply with others, especially potential love interests you might chance upon this fall. There is a catch, however.

What I’m about to show you will only work after you’ve seen how a person behaves for a little while; not long, maybe a few days to a few weeks. If you can’t sacrifice the short-term gains found in bars and nightclubs for the potentially long-term gains found in getting to know people genuinely, then this method isn’t for you. It should be noted that romance isn’t necessarily the goal here. Connection is.

Here it goes: if you want to impress others and win over their hearts, all you have to do is write about them. One of the fastest ways to heighten your social value is to privately journal and then publicly share what you write about others with them. When you write, think of the value you see in your literary foci. Compliment your muses on their strengths. Speak life into them using your words. Next, contact whoever you’ve addressed your writing to i.e. friends, classmates, love interests, etc., and ask first if you can read to them something you’ve written about them. They will agree to hear you out almost one hundred percent of the time.

Pro Tip 1: The impact of your expression will be amplified greatly if you read your writing in front of a large crowd. However, a room of three to five people is just as effective if you care about or are looking to build a long-term bond with them.

Pro Tip 2: Your muses have given you their trust. Don’t embarrass them in front of others; and if you must, be smooth and lighthearted so that everyone can continue to listen without feeling disrespected.

Pro Tip 3: Pause now and then. Make eye contact with each person as you address them individually and express what they mean to you. If you are honest, positive and expressive, you will still them to their core and they will become attracted to your light. Your words can change lives if you are brave enough to write them and read them to your intended audience.

If you are courageous enough to do this, you will find that people begin to look to you for, among other highly desired traits, consultation and leadership.

Oh, and who knows? Your writing just might spark the greatest romance of your life.