Homecoming is once again upon the students of Georgia State. Although there are many different ways to experience this annual tradition, there are a few things you can do to help ensure that you have the best experience ever.
Check out these tips on how make this Homecoming the best one yet:
1. Get out of your comfort zone
Although Homecoming often features unusual events that you may not normally be interested in, trying something new may teach you a few things about yourself, as well as help you meet some new people. Go to an event that intrigues you, or even better, go the event that makes you the most uncomfortable to think about Overcoming fears and doing something different improves confidence and makes you more well-rounded.
2. Don’t over-indulge
This can be understood in two ways:
- Don’t spread yourself thin trying to participate in every event on the bill. Remember, your classes don’t stop just because you’re enjoying yourself and responsibilities still must be accounted for. Use the events to release stress, but don’t abandon your every day obligations
- Don’t show up overly-intoxicated to events like the Homecoming Ball. Over-drinking can not only cause potential health risks but also prevents you from fully remembering all of the memories you make. Drinking can be fun for social situations, but getting black-out drunk will leave you embarrassed and unable to remember why the next morning.
3. Go to the events with friends
Homecoming is a social experience and it’s important that you enjoy the events with the right people. Whether its your significant other, best-friend or simply a classmate you just met, memories made during Homecoming are much better when they’re alongside someone special
- If there’s someone you’re interested in going with, be up front about it and be honest. The worst that can happen is that they say no.
- If you haven’t met anyone yet at school and live in student housing, go with the residents on your floor. Someone will surely go with you.
- Go with a group if you can’t find a date. You won’t notice the lack of a significant other if you’re with your best friends.
4. Carry all your possessions on your person at all times
With the multitude of events for students to enjoy, it’s easy to lose personal possessions during activities. From Powder Puff to the Royal Ball to the Parade, you’ll be brushing shoulders with a lot of people each day. Keep track of your possessions and keep them in a central location during your excursions.
5. Show up to the events early
Homecoming events always have a large turnout, so showing up early gets you in good position to experience each one. Also, since many of the events provide food, showing up early will guarantee you a free meal before the festivities begin.
6. Socialize!
The whole point of Homecoming week is to get out, get active and meet people. Homecoming is meant to boost school spirit and unify the student body; the best way to do this is to get to events and meet someone new. If you mingle, you may meet your new best friend, a potential career connection or even a significant other.
Regardless of how you choose to spend your Homecoming week, just enjoy yourself and try something new. You’ll learn more about yourself and improve your experience at Georgia State. Get out there!