Georgia has the 2nd lowest premium for health insurance out of 36 states, according to The Augusta Chronicle. This is through The Affordable Care Act.
As of January 1, 2014 all U.S. citizens were required to have health insurance or pay a penalty tax, according to U.S. News & World Report.
“In 2014 the tax begins at $95 per adult and $47.50 per child, or one percent of income, whichever is greater,” U.S. News & World Report states.
The average premium is $54 per month after subtracting $341 from the subsidy of $287, according to The Augusta Chronicle.
Bill Cluster, expert on health insurance at Georgia State, says the average premium in Georgia being $341 is $5 lower a month than the U.S. average, according to The Augusta Chronicle.
Obamacare’s most popular health insurance plan is also known as the Silver Plan. Individuals pay an average of $69 per month, covering 70 percent of all health, dental and vision costs, according to Obama Care Facts’ website.
Most states offer five levels of Obama Care Health Exchange Plans such as platinum, gold and silver. Broze and catastrophic are also included, according to U.S. News & World Report.
Marcus Green, journalism major at Georgia state, says he pays for health insurance for $30 a month.
“My parents don’t have to worry about paying for my health insurance. I can afford Obamacare beacuse it’s cheap,” he said.
Tracy Willis, a nursing major at Georgia State, co-pays $20 per month on a family plan with Kaiser-Permanente.
“My dad doesn’t have to pay for health insurance for the whole family anymore, because Obamacare has a great family plan, and it’s less stressful for everyone,” she said.
The state with the lowest average premium is Mississippi, according to The Augusta Chronicle.