One Billion Rising, a worldwide campaign for women, held a flash mob in Woodruff Park today to raise awareness about violence against women.
The group travels frequently to several large cities to gain publicity and spread

One Billion Rising organizes a flash mob to raise awareness about violence against women.
their message against sexual violence against women.
“Our goal is to raise awareness globally on the issue [of sexual abuse] and force people to pay attention,” said Randi Layne, who coordinated the event.
Layne added that these events hosted by One Billion Rising “are for everyone” and look at violence against women as a community issue.
“One in three women is sexually abused,” said volunteer Clara Smith, who shared that she has people in her family who have experienced abuse. “This is a peaceful way to demonstrate our outrage across the world.”
Layne hopes that students will continue to talk about issues of abuse to show their support and inspire change.
Bernice King speaks to the participants.
Back in the 70’s there was a movement called “WOW” and women were very informed about themselves. We read “Our bodies, Ourselves”. Today, however, it seems that women have been reduced to that which we fought so hard to escape and now, again, have to make the same fight just to get back to where we started.