Georgia State University has hundreds of chartered clubs and organizations ranging from activism, community involvement, sports, entertainment and more. Culture and diversity continues to expand as the Student Life Committee, a Georgia State department, accepts more applications for student-run organizations.
There is something for everyone, especially when it comes to networking with other students who share similar interest. The expansion of Georgia State’s campus has led to an increase in student organization activities. A few of the new organizations, that were chartered after the consolidation, focus on education, activism and religion.
Atlanta Campus

Pads for Princesses
Community service is a leading goal of Pads for Princesses (P4P). This organization specifically caters to the female homeless community. P4P donates feminine hygiene products, such as sanitary napkins and tampons to provide homeless women within Atlanta access to the basic necessities.
For more information about Pads for Princesses, email the organization at padsforprincesses@gmail.com or visit their OrgSync page at Georgia State’s student organization portal http://gsu.orgsync.com

Panther Hackers
Experience the growing “Hacker Culture” of Georgia State by networking with peers who enjoy technical applications and coding. Panther Hackers is a special interest organization, which promotes creativity by teaching students how to apply concepts into actual tools that will help them compete in professional environments.
To learn more about Panther Hackers visit their website http://pantherhackers.com or send an email to hello@pantherhackers.com
Decatur Campus

Shades of Melanin
Get immersed in the art styles, such as poetry and writing, while connecting with other women and sharing viewpoints on social topics like self-love and self-growth. Shade of Melanin is an African American female activist group designed to acknowledge the union between women who are interested in community involvement, mentorship and more.
For more information about Shades of Melanin, contact the advisor Nicolette Rose at nrose@gsu.edu

Muslim Student Association
The Muslim Student Association (MSA) is a service oriented organization that provides an environment for students to connect and practice Islam. MSA plans to inform and educate students about Islam by holding cultural service activities that focus on topics, like Islamic traditions.
Contact Brenda Sudan at brendasudan@gpc.edu for more information at the Muslim Student Association.
Alpharetta Campus

The STEM Career Club is dedicated to providing students with the proper tools for advancing in professional environments. The organization plans to coordinate networking events, mentorships, and job shadowing opportunities that will allow students to have a hands-on experience in positions geared towards science, technology, engineering and math.
For more information about the STEM Career Club, at Georgia State’s Alpharetta Campus, contact the Student Life Office at (678)- 240- 6022 or email the Student Life Office Coordinator Marshonntri Reid at mreid20@gsu.edu.