Georgia State students are still roaming around campus without an advisor to meet, two weeks before spring registration opens.
Freshman student advisor Neia Omer, said every student has an advisor even if it isn’t properly updated on the university’s website.
“We are working to update the site due to consolidation issues, however, students can call the advisement center to find out who their assigned advisor is and, also the advisor should be listed on the students’ PAWS account,” says Omer.
At Georgia State, each freshman is required to undergo a mandatory advisement with an academic advisor prior to the end of their freshman year according to Georgia State Academic Advisement .
Georgia State sophomore, Lonna Edmond, said that her previous advisor sent a mass e-mail two weeks before the start of fall semester stating that she would not be the advisor for them going forward.
“I never received an e-mail from a new advisor and I have not been informed of having a new advisor,” said Edmond.
The advisement office has a self-service guide on its website that allows students to self-serve themselves using icon links such as; finding their advisor, transition advisement, University Advisement Center and others.
Assistant Director Michael Charlton for the Freshman Office of the University Advisement Center said since Georgia State has consolidated with Perimeter College something could go wrong with technology and with the merging of the systems because a lot of Perimeter College students are enrolled and the data from Perimeter College is showing up twice.
“There are 15 freshman advisors who are advising an average of about 300 students each. If students are not able to get in contact with their advisor they should come in and if their advisor is not available, there should always be an advisor of the day on duty because our motto is we never turn students away and I will see them myself if I have to,” said Charlton.
This is a good article providing needed information. Some freshman may not be aware how to obtain advisory assistance.