Sitting in class all day can be mentally exhausting. One way to combat exhaustion is finding comfortable ways to recharge. Whether it’s taking a nap, relaxing with friends or grabbing lunch, at Georgia State’s Atlanta or Perimeter campuses, there are multiple locations for students to unwind.
Atlanta Campus
Andrew Young School of Policies Study
The Andrew Young School of Policies Studies is located at the corner of Marietta and Peachtree Street. The first floor of the building has a large lounge area, featuring a work space and desks that are attached to massive windows that peer out onto the Atlanta streets.
Kell Hall
When it’s time for a coffee break, grab a cup of your favorite Java without the wait. There is a hidden cafe, located near the campus post office. The Sparks Hall cafe has multiple microwaves, booths for sitting, vending machines and Starbucks Coffee.
Decatur Campus
The Quad
The Quad is an outdoor space located in the middle of buildings SC, SB and SA. This spot has stone benches, and tables with beach umbrellas attached. On a sunny day, it’s a great place to get some fresh air and shade.
The stairwell
Located on the second floor of building SC is a stairwell with a piano and a few chairs. This spot is very popular for students who enjoy music and playing the piano. Entering the location can be done by going inside building SC from the Quad plaza, and walking up the stairs.
Clarkston Campus
Outdoor Sitting area
Enjoy green space and nature while sitting under the shady trees. Located in the middle of buildings CC, CD and CN, this is a great spot to stay cool during the hot summer months.
Student Center
On the second floor of building CN, in front of the admissions office, there is an open space with circular chairs, desks and lounge chairs. On the same floor there is a quiet zone, designated for conversations and small conference meetings.
Random Finds
- Atlanta Campus: Library South (4th Floor): Take the back elevators and make a left, walk down the aisle and there will be empty bookshelves, behind those shelves is a cozy space where you can have privacy.
- Decatur Campus: Take in nature by checking out the small fish pond located in the Quad, right next to building SB.
- Clarkston Campus: Inside of administrative building CN, there is a vending machine within the campus cafe that sells school supplies such as pens, sticky-notes, whiteout and jumpdrives.
Evante Belardo, works as a secretary for the Student Life Office. Belardo noticed that students at Georgia State’s Decatur campus enjoy the versatility that the Quad offers.
“The student life office utilizes Quad a lot, and students do come out there [to] sit, eat, enjoy the sun or the shade on a hot day,” Belardo said. “You can practically do anything in the Quad.”