Daily Briefs: April 1


Sandy Springs woman nearly shot
Janice McMahan, an 82-year-old woman, was at home in Sandy Springs preparing for bed, a 9-mm round tore through her bedroom wall, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. McMahan left her bedroom minutes before the incident. It was later found that the gunshot was fired by her neighbor, whose name is not public. The neighbor said the shot was accidental and McMahan said she visited her neighbor to make sure she was unharmed. Since the incident, McMahan’s neighbor was arrested for reckless behavior and her firearm was confiscated.


Store in Chicago refuses to sell Sweetwater’s Happy Ending Stout
Binny’s Beverage Depot pulled Sweetwater Brewing Co’s Happy Ending Stout beer from their shelves, because the brand label was allegedly sexist, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The beer’s label depicts a geisha’s silhouette and a box of tissues. Sweetwater founder Freddy Bensch said his brewery would correct the label and concedes that the design was not thought out well.


Alleged black box transcript elucidates last moments of Germanwings flight
The German newspaper Bild published an alleged transcript of the the Germanwings black box recordings from the flight that crashed in the Alps on March 24, according to CNN. The transcript indicated the crash was intentional. When captain Patrick Sondenheimer left the cockpit of the plane to go to the bathroom, co-pilot Andreas Lubitz locked the captain out of the cockpit and steered the plane towards the mountains, according to the transcript. However, CNN says the validity of the transcript is doubtful, because black box recordings are seldomly officially released.