College dating

Welcome to Georgia State. During these next four years you will experience many, many different things. You will go to parties, meet new friends, expand your brain, but most importantly you will date.

The college-dating scene can be tough, but you will learn a lot. With each boy or girl a lesson will come along with them. You have heard that saying right? “They are either a lesson or a blessing.” Well, it is true.

The dating world is full of endless possibilities. You will get hurt, and you will get over it. It is a cycle we all go through, but it is a great cycle and definitely worth it.


Become interested in the nerds. One thing I have learned is not to forget about the nerds. Yeah, the hotties are nice, but they are not always realistic or sweet for that matter.


Be careful with not only your heart, but your body as well. And by that, I mean use protection. You do not want little panther babies running around because you had a fun night with a cute guy or girl.


Watch out for the term “friends with benefits.” People tend to use this term because they are afraid of commitment. They want you, literally, but they do not want the extra baggage.


If you are in a relationship coming to college, good luck. I only say this because I was in one, deeply in love, but then you realize that you two are different people and you realize that you have to experience life without them. Going to the same college together is a lot easier, but if they go to Georgia Southern or Savannah and you are all the way up here, it is very difficult. There will be temptations and if you can survive them, then maybe it is true love. I have known couples that have stuck through it and now engaged and I think that is wonderful and very rare.


Do not be afraid to take chances. If you do not think that person is your typical type, you might be surprised. We all know that everyone has a type, but do not forget that your type will change as you change. Step out of that comfort zone and experience.


Be afraid to go up to a person that you’re attracted to and ask them out.


Do not expect to find your soul mate. I know that sounds harsh, but never go into the dating scene thinking that you will find your husband or wife. Usually when you do you either freak that person out, or you feel the need to rush that relationship.

DON’T (for girls only)

Guys do not want commitment during their first couple of years of college. You can pick them out from the ones that do, I hope.

DON’T (for guys only)

Girls are vulnerable and emotional. Do not take advantage of them.  Respect them. That way when you actually do want commitment, you will not be remembered as the guy who took advantage. If you want to have fun, find someone who wants to have fun. The same goes for the people who want a committed relationship. Find the people that fit you.


If you think trying to fix someone will work, it will not. That person is the way they are for a reason. It is not your mission in life to mold them into your perfect guy or girl. Say your sweet goodbyes and move on.

Kaylyn Hinz is an avid Cosmo-reader and relationship aficianado. Follow her @KaylynHinz