Campus Bubble aims to connect campus

Georgia State may see the implementation of the Campus Bubble, a social networking platform designed to improve communication between student-run organizations within universities, by the fall of 2014.

On the campus bubble platform, everyone within the University would be able to communicate with each other and see what events are going on around campus. Instead of finding information solely through flyers or friends, students could use the campus bubble.

On the bubble’s home page, students would be able to see anything posted by an organization, the university itself and fellow students. By logging on to the university’s “bubble,” students can check out when fraternities are holding their next kickback, what deadlines are for SGA applications and when class projects are due, all on one webpage in a streamlined fashion.

Moreover, according to the ambassador for the campus bubble at Georgia State, this social networking platform will be exclusive to each university on which it’s impemented.

In other words, there is a “bubble” of communication for each University. Right now, the only campus bubble in existence is the Emory Bubble.

“I love the bubble,” Claire Joiner, a Junior psychology major at Emory University said. “It’s really amazing. The Emory Bubble makes it so much easier to find out what’s going on on a daily basis around campus. I don’t know how we were able to function without it before.”

Joseph Denk, the ambassador for the campus bubble program at Georgia State, says he has ambitious hopes for the program. He is a business major at Georgia State and said he remembers what it was like being a freshman trying to figure out what events were commencing on campus each week.

“With the Georgia State Bubble, I hope to be able to
create a platform and make it easier for students to connect with each other on
campus,” Denk said. “It was hard for me to connect and know what was going on at first
because the campus is so spread out and I commute and so many other people
commute. Hopefully this will increase the value of Georgia State.And I hope it can
spread to a large number of campuses. I know that there are already six other
campuses that have expressed interest in the program.”

According to Denk, Northeastern University, Westminster University, Epstien University and Morehouse University along with Georgia State are five of the six universities currently interested in implementing the campus bubble program within their institutions.

“From what my friend told me, I would absolutely love to have the Campus Bubble here at Westminster,” Matthew Johnson, a sophomore at Westminster, said. “My friends at Emory tell me that they absoulutely love it, and in fact, at our schools next SGA meeting, I plan to propose the platform for implementation.”

According to Denk, the fututre of the bubble platform is very bright but he does not see interaction of the bubble between campuses.

The purpose of the campus bubble is to increase the unity of campuses,” Denk said. “To make it easier for students within each university to communicate and coordinate events, parties, meetings, etc. It’s the exclusivity that makes this program unique. If you lose that, then it’s just another facebook.”