Gen Z is becoming increasingly isolated. The lasting effects of COVID-19, increased uses of technology, and a lack of third spaces all contribute to this. Perhaps the biggest contributor to this phenomenon is the messaging of pop psychologists and thought leaders that have targeted our generation. So-called “Redpill” influencers and grifting psychoanalysts alike push young men to act in an unsavory, antisocial way, isolating them from their peers. By filling young men’s minds with the delusion that women and minorities are the source of their issues, and telling them that they must be rich and oppressive to be desirable, the individuals we have chosen as guides are creating a generation of socially stunted men who are incapable of forming meaningful relationships.
Isolation is not the only cost of this increasingly popular ideology. Influencers like Myron Gaines and Tai Lopez, who each have millions of followers, sell courses that are intended to teach you how to get rich. Some vulnerable individuals, primarily young men, may be desperate enough to give their money to these influencers, in hopes of increasing their financial and romantic prospects. This gives self-help authors and course-sellers a financial incentive to appeal to their viewers’ deepest insecurities and claim to provide a solution. Through their desperation, many men become vessels for the hateful ideology hidden within these courses.
Another prolific grifter, author John Gray, drastically increased divisions between women and men by focusing on the differences between the sexes in his 1992 book “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.” By focusing on what makes the sexes different, Gray exacerbated existing social divides between groups. While there are clear physiological differences between women and men, a large part of perceived differences between the sexes is a result of conditioning. In the past, those assigned male at birth were conditioned to be strong, emotionless and energetic, while those assigned female at birth were conditioned to listen, serve, and disappear. Thankfully this is changing, but modern media and its interest in dividing the populous seeks to return us to an inferior, bygone era.
Even in 2024, the phrase “Boys will be Boys” is still heard in classrooms, courts and social settings. Men consistently make excuses for each other and enable behavior that makes them undesirable, wishing for a reality where they are in control. Making people uncomfortable does not sell courses or books, but appealing to the weaker does. As a result, Influencers and politicians continue to exploit lonely men and sow division within their social groups. Georgia State witnessed this recently when a student representing the school in Esports launched transphobic slurs at a rival team, which notably features zero transgender players, on a public forum. Such a bold, misguided attack on those in the community is a direct result of young men being intentionally isolated and used as pawns by the current hegemony.
It is important to remember that men do not become victims because they have difficulties entering relationships. Men are not entitled to partners, and women deserve to date and live independently of men as they wish. When they are told by their chosen role models that they deserve a partner simply for being a man, they then realize that relationships are more complex than book quotes and pick-up-artist techniques. Men become scared and angry. This leads to unsavory social behavior and even worse, violence.
With individuals such as Andrew Tate and President-elect Donald Trump becoming icons for young men, standards for male behavior are reaching new lows. The lasting fame and adoration of individuals who faced accusations of sexual assault is an indication of what a large number of young men believe. They are taught to pass the buck, blame everybody else for their shortcomings and defend each other. Our generation will become lonely because of this, and many young men will never understand why they are struggling to form connections.
Without understanding how they are being used, they will remain lonely and resentful. The only solution is to disconnect from those who are invested in your isolation. Spend time with those who care for you and make efforts to improve your community and the lives of those around you.