The development of antibodies that causing type 1 diabetes in children under seven may not be related to the type of baby formula consumed, according to a new research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
In the study conducted in 15 countries with 2,159 infants, some children received standard infant formula and the group received hydrolyzed protein formula, the study states.
Dr. Anita Nucci, assistant professor of nutrition at Georgia State, said no differences were seen in the appearance of diabetes-associated autoantibodies in children. Nucci is also the U.S. coordinator and the North America nutrition coordinator for the Trial to Reduce Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus in the Genetically at Risk.
“This question is not yet resolved despite the fact we could not see any differences in the appearance of diabetes-associated autoantibodies between children who received standard infant formula with intact cow’s milk protein and those who received the hydrolyzed protein formula,” Nucci said.
It is important to consider genetic factors for those with a higher risk for diabetes, according to Nucci .
“Some genetic subgroups may carry a higher risk for diabetes and cow´s milk proteins could have different effects in different individuals depending on their genetic make-up,” Nucci said.
She also said the researchers collected additional genetic blood samples to further study the correlation between baby formulas and diabetes.
“Currently there is no conclusive evidence to revise the dietary recommendations for infants at increased risk for type 1 diabetes,” Nucci said.
She recommends parents follow the advisory of their health care professionals.