Over the past few years, the city of Atlanta has been getting more diverse. According to an article by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta’s city demographic has increased by 71,400 people. That demographic shows how diverse Atlanta has become over the years.
This year’s mayoral elections changed because of the new demographics of Atlanta. The subject of race has become the driving factor behind elections as the city grows more diverse.
The diversity of the mayoral candidates also has highlighted the issue of race. Four out of the five candidates are people of color.
In history, black people had an extremely hard time, especially in politics. They have had to fight for the right to vote and run for public office.
Though times are still hard, Atlanta is finally moving in the right direction. Since the election of Maynard Jackson, we have had several other black mayors. This trend shows how our city is continuously working to make things more diverse.
Another reason things took so long to change around here was people were afraid of change. No one likes change, especially when it comes to politics. In some elections, people just vote for the person that makes them feel the most secure in their lives.
Humans prefer familiarity and often fear what new voices could change. Change is not always a bad thing, but people typically blind themselves, fearing what may come rather than thinking of the positive changes someone else could bring.
A more diverse office could bring massive, positive changes to Atlanta, such as making healthcare more affordable. The sky’s the limit when it comes to positive change in politics.
For this year’s mayoral election, we should vote after thoroughly researching who we truly feel would bring those positive changes to the mayor’s office.
By showing that we welcome diversity, we would show that we are not as intimidated by the changes to come. In the past, people would vote for the candidates that they felt represented them. In the past, those candidates were white.
According to an article by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, demographic shifts are essential in a city because race is often an undercurrent in the history of Atlanta and Atlanta’s identity.
Due to changes in demographics, the election is more diverse this time around. This time, a majority of the candidates are people of color.
The changes in demographics are another great chance for the city to reflect how things have changed. It is good that we are in a place now where things are getting more accessible. Meaning there are not as many restrictions as things were in the past.