he countdown has begun. It is time to open our books, sharpen our pencils, and brew some coffee, because finals week is upon us.
The days leading up to finals week are some of the most important of our lives. We have all managed to slide by — until now. This is when we really buckle down and prepare for all-nighters. It’s time to figure out what is good, bad and necessary to have when studying for finals.
Desk toppers: These are the item that need to be on, under and around your desk when you sit down to study.
1. Books/ notes/ previous test study guides: These items are the back bone of your cram session. Find anything and everything that has to do with the subject you are studying, especially if your final is cumulative. Even if you have to dig note cards out of the trash, you find them!
2. Pens/pencils/highlighters: Don’t you dare get up from that desk to “look” for a pen. We all know that is just a lame excuse to get distracted. Be prepared and have them uncapped, sharpened and ready to go.
3. Laptop (HANDLE WITH CAUTION): These are hit or miss. The only thing that should be pulled up on them are power points or online notes. Don’t even think about having Tumblr, Twitter or Facebook on your screen. If you do, you’re just asking to fail.
4. Cellphones: This was a test and you have failed. If you believe for one second that you can have your phone next to you and study, you are lying to yourself and need to get help.
Power snacks
Most people like to eat a lot. I personally like to eat a lot a lot. What can I say, it’s America. But when you are trying to study it’s hard to find time to cook an adequate meal, making it important to have snacks around you. Quick foods that take little to no time to make are important to have on hand. You don’t need to starve to create time to study, but you don’t need to prepare a five course meal. Here are some ideas:
1. Popcorn
2. Grapes, strawberries, apples or other fruits
3. Pretzels (get fancy and choose pretzels that have different flavors)
4. Yogurt
5. String cheese
Stress relievers
Studying is hard and can leave you with a ton of stress. Sometimes, the stress can be good, and will push you to study harder; but sometimes it can take a toll on you. It can really harm your health and even cause headaches. Luckily there are a few tricks to take the stress off for a little while.
1. Stretch: I know your butt probably hurts from sitting down for too long; so get up and stretch. Bring out your inner yoga instructor for five to ten minutes, then get back to work.
2. Move it around: We are not robots; there I’ve said it! So we need to get up and walk around sometimes. Only a walk around your room, though. Don’t go on a ten mile hike; running away from your problems solves nothing. You can even multi task by reading your notes and walking around your room. Get that blood-a-flowing!
3. Study party: Being in groups can be a big help. You are able to quiz each other and learn from one another. But save the drinking for after finals week.
Take these next few days to fully prepare for the week of hell you are about to endure. Take no chances when it comes to studying. You need to be on your toes for any questions that can be asked on your finals. We all know how teachers like to pretend they taught us something, but we can swear by the book that they didn’t. So drink some coffee, prepare your notes and I’ll catch you on the flip side. Good luck.