Despite the rise in tuition at most public Georgia colleges and universities, there could be a promising alternative for students using eCore because its users can expect a tuition drop of $20 per credit hour this fall.
eCore, Georgia’s online core curriculum, allows college undergraduates to complete general education courses to meet core curriculum requirements. The online instructional system has announced that tuition will decrease from the current $189 per credit hour to $169 beginning fall of this year.
eCore is partners with University System of Georgia institutions to recruit instructors for them to teach the online courses. All classes are accredited and transferable within USG institutions.
Marketing major Nilam Wazir said she faces difficulty on days when she commutes. Traffic and removing her vehicle from Turner Park after 5pm are just some of her troubles.
When asked if ecourses could ease some of her stress, Wazir said “Yes, because I am taking online classes over the summer and I think it’s more convenient not to have to come to campus like every day or as often.”
Shiv Goswami, psychology major and commuter student, also said that taking core classes online could alleviate some stress but in addition create some challenges.
“Online classes in general are really hard to keep up with. You have no motivation to go to class, you don’t have a teacher or anyone down your back,” he said. “But also, this is college so you should have your own motivation.”