The Illusions of Modern Life Are Killing Young Adulthood

In today’s rapidly changing world, we are forced to move between the fabric of fads and trends. Social media, fashion, pop culture and opinions largely impact society’s views of a person. At a time, perception was largely focused on people in the public eye, written on the pages of a gossip column in a magazine or tabloid.

Now, perception is everywhere, it is the ultimate currency of young adulthood today and is making living in the moment harder. 

Let’s be clear: perception has always mattered and has been here longer than imaginable. The playing field is just way bigger than before. In the age of Instagram likes and TikTok influencers, we young adults are navigating a world where perception is the only reality that matters. 

Social Media. It’s a double-edged sword, it offers a form of self-expression and endless connections to people around the globe. However, the cons of it tend to outway when social comparison comes into play. 

The result? A generation trapped in a comment section of unrealistic expectations and pressures. Distorted self-images and a never-ending cycle of finding the most authentic version of yourself. 

On social media, everyone’s life looks perfect: perfectly curated vacations, high fashion pieces, endless money, flawless skin and hair. We all know it’s all an illusion, a facade we all play into repeatedly. The pressure to keep up with it becomes immensely taxing on us in obvious and insidious ways.

The obvious signs are surges of anxiety, depression and a sense of not feeling like you are doing enough. The insidious effects are the ones that eat away at us even more.

It’s when we start to truly believe that the glamor of social media is reality, that our self-worth is tied to how well we play the game of perception. 

We put a weight on our chests to be successful and generate wealth within a 30 under 30 mindset. Having the perfect career pipeline to afford a certain lifestyle to keep up with these images we’ve seen of others. Creating that image in your mind of who, where, when and how you should be. 

We have spent so much time creating these facades, but we have also seen so many people who were “perfect” shunned, canceled, or exposed in their most vulnerable moments. We’ve all had that moment.

Whether it’s going to class and not speaking to classmates because of anxiety about how you may come off, posting your story and second-guessing how people might perceive you. Or even a date, where you are scared that you might say the wrong thing and skew that person’s idea of you. Perception is always there at your door waiting for you to taste the fruit of the unattainable. 

We can no longer allow perception to kill the joy of young adulthood. You have to stop subscribing and playing the game. Easier said than done, I know, because I’m still trying to myself. The first step is to walk to the beat of your drum without judgment. 

Focus on substance over status, connections over comparisons. Be with the people who get you and see you, not just the perfect version you present to the masses.

We are all vulnerable, sensitive and complicated. So many stories and versions of ourselves live within us and we look for people to share our chapters with. 

Realize that you are imperfect and forever inconveniently evolving and that’s the beauty of being young.

Go outside, touch grass, party, say the wrong things and take accountability. There’s room to make mistakes as long as we learn from them to add to who we are becoming in this thing called life.

In the end, perception is a mirage, a simple parlor trick that can only distract you. If you fall prey to it and find yourself a little lost–let go of your inhibitions and reset. You’ll come back to yourself every time.