Anti-Marijuana Legalization

There’s nothing wrong with smoking pot. It’s not a lethal drug. It’s medicinal. It hasn’t been shown to cause mental illness. There’s no substantial proof of dependency on marijuana. It’s a great creative muse. It’s Earth’s gift to man! By now you’re checking the title of this column to make sure you’ve read the title correctly. Yes, this is an anti-legalization column and I agree with every clause preceding this one. So why don’t I agree with the legalization of the all-glorious ganja?

Many, if not most, smokers argue in favor of the legalization of miss Mary Jane. They fight for the right to roll up whenever and wherever they choose and frankly, there’s no harm in that. However, this freedom will come with a cost; a cost many “keepers of the chronic” won’t take so kindly to. “What cost is that?” There are many but here are the more crucial costs:

1. Regulations. Rules, rules, and more rules will come along with the legalization of our herbal friend. These regulations will be in the interest of politicians, corporations, and legislators who will fund them to push their agenda. No company in their right mind will turn away the money. It’s a win for everyone except you, who are subjected to these rules.

2. Additives. Like I mentioned before, there’s no substantial proof of dependency on weed. However, in an attempt to make money, companies will more than likely add additives to weed. It’s public knowledge that in 1994 the Department of Health and Human Services approved a list of 599 additives for use in mainstream tobacco. 599! After creating this addiction, they capitalized by creating products such as nicotine patches and nicotine gum under the guise of aiding smokers who wished to quit. More addicts = More money. Simple.

3. Dirty grass. Along with the additives I mentioned previously, the wholesale of marijuana by way of factories will inevitably change the make-up of it. Like TV dinners, marijuana distribution will be efficient and as inexpensive as possible. Quality will not be a priority but rather quantity. Expect low-grade ganja with a plethora of artificial flavors.

4. Business shutdown. Let’s be very frank for a second. Many people have earned a successful living growing and selling marijuana. It’s been a steady industry for years now and has provided monetary means for people and businesses that would otherwise be depleted. But these guys will quickly be placing the “closed” sign on their shop after big companies get their greedy hands on the green (pun intended). It is inevitable that legislations will be put in place to keep these “entrepreneurs” from taking money out of their pockets.

While legalization may appear to be a giant “F U!” to Uncle Sam and win for all ganja-lovers everywhere, it will unfortunately be an underhanded win for big corporations who will monopolize on possession of the wonder-grass. Why pass the ball to the other team? Pass the blunt, but not to Uncle Sam.


  1. First off, what harsh rules do you speak of? In states where recreational marijuana use has been approved such as Colorado and Washington, the regulations set up seem to be quite reasonable, ie. any persons over 21 may posses up to an ounce of marijuana while traveling, the ability to cultivate up to 3 mature plants, etc… When you speak of the dangers of addicting and harmful additives you must not realize how the marijuana industry works. Even prior to the recreational legalization in theses states there has been a system in place for medical marijuana patients that has worked quite well through patient-to-patient transactions. Just because the plant is legal does not mean that users will become oblivious to the quality of bud, there are many resources out there and with legalization, more and more people will become knowledgeable. Also, the potential shutdown of current growers and sellers is an illogical claim. With marijuana still placed as a Schedule 1 drug, those whom wish to make an honest living through the cultivation of marijuana are prosecuted at an alarming rate for non-violent drug charges, more so than all rape, murder and assault charges combined. The only people who’s business would be dramatically effected would be that of the drug cartel, and drug dealers on the street, and that ultimately would be a benefit. The prospected five-year revenue in Washington is over $1.9 billion dollars, and in reality it could be much much more.I strongly encourage you to reconsider your view and realize the inconsistencies in your claims.

  2. This article is pure speculation and contains no facts with which base your “opinion”. Shoddy journalism, but fine for a blog.

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