Nov. 7
Too early for this…
A student was arrested in Dunwoody’s B building for possession of marijuana around 9 a.m.
Nov. 8
Walk away!
GSUPD issued two trespass warrents to non-Georgia State individuals found lingering in the M Deck. The case has been cleared.
Heard you’ve been stalking!
A Georgia State student was met by police at the University Commons and arrested for stalking another member of the university.
Cover up!
A non-Georgia State affiliate was arrested in the University Commons after indecently exposing themselves in public around 10:30 a.m.
Go read books elsewhere…
Clarkston GSUPD arrested a non-university individual for trespassing in the campus library.
Nov. 9.
Things went South…
Two university staff members complained of witnessing suspicious behavior in Courtland North. GSUPD is still investigating the case.
Nov. 10
Hold his beer!
A student was arrested in the University Commons for drinking alcohol while under the age of 21. GSUPD took the individual away around 2:30 a.m.