Jan. 17
They see me rolling
A Non-Georgia State affiliate was arrested at Coca Cola PL. and Pratt St. for driving a motor vehicle on suspended registration/ driving while license suspended or revoke/ outstanding warrants.
Feelin’ ruff
A non-Georgia State affiliate was arrested for the possession of marijuana at Woodruff Park.
What’s that smell?
A Georgia State staff member complained of University Lofts smelling like marijuana. The investigation has been cleared.
Jan. 18
Harassed by a stranger
A Georgia State staff member complain of harassed by a non-Georgia State affiliate on the university campus.
My money’s gone
A student complained of a theft of possessions under $1500 in Piedmont Central. The investigation is currently active.
Jan 20.
You don’t even go here
A Non-Georgia State affiliate was found trespassing in Classroom South and was arrested.
A different recreational activity..
A student complained of a theft of possessions under $500 in the Student Recreation Center. The investigation is currently active.
Things went south..
A student complained of a losing a possession under $500 in Classroom South. The investigation is cleared.