My motto: GOOD. BETTER. BEST. Never let it rest until your GOOD is BETTER, and your BETTER is your BEST.
Major: Dual degree in both finance and marketing.
Classification: Junior.
Campus Involvement: President of Quiet Storm Steppers & Mentorship, Cohort leader of Panther Leap, Inducted member of Collegiate 100
What are some student-related issues your are concerned about? Safety. Scholastics. and Support from the student body relating to everything on this campus
Why are you running for this position? I have a great deal of experience with speaking in front of the current senate, and I have new initiatives I want to bring forth for this position. Those two combined together will make for the best Student Government Association Speaker of the Senate long after I am gone.
It is one thing to be a leader, and it is different to be a servant leader. Someone who is willing to put others before themselves even when they have been chosen to lead. I call that a servant leader. They have a great deal of skill in mastering the balance of leading and following, which makes them more relatable to reach more people to see something in them to want to follow. After they have caught the people’s interest with their leadership qualities, then they show how passionate they are about wanting to lead each and every person into the way that is best fit for them. Not everyone is chosen to be a leader, but those who are know that there come in all different types, shapes, and sizes. So no leader is exactly the same, but everything above is MY understanding of myself as the leader God has called me to be, and this is what I feel with my heart and soul filled with humility, makes me an ideal candidate for this position.
Do you have any plans/solutions to these problems? Initiatives to implement if you are elected?
Yes I do have through having seminars for safety, advisement come to the different colleges for scholastic, getting more campus involvement and more awareness of events and issues for support from the student body.
What are your post-graduation plans?
Obtain a master degree in finance, while also keeping my self owned business up and thriving that will be launched this summer June 2016.