Georgia State’s Police Department (GSUPD) is still investigating the armed robbery of Georgia State staff member Darryl Burke that occurred on May 28, according to GSUPD Deputy Chief Carlton Mullis.
Burke was walking down Piedmont Avenue when he noticed he was being followed by a man. The man later approached him at the steps between Gilmer Street and Armstrong street, according to an incident report provided by GSUPD.
“Darryl Burke then stated that the black male approached him with a black handgun. [The robber] ordered [Burke] to give him his black Samsung Galaxy S6,among other things,” according to the incident report.
The perpetrator was described as wearing all-black clothing and having long dread-locks. He is also estimated to be in his early twenties, according to the report.
Mullis said GSUPD is still investigating the robbery and they are following up on suspects.
“We’re working with the Atlanta Police Department to see if they have reports of anything similar,” he said.
Burke said he is traumatized by the event and no longer feels safe walking on campus, according to CBS 46.
“I also don’t feel the same walking out in public anymore. It just feels different,” Burke said in the article.
Senior creative writing major Chelsey Cashwell said she feels like armed robberies are semi-frequent on Georgia State campus.
“It’s our responsibility to not be oblivious to the risks,” she said.