Field Day and Powder Puff Football
Kicking off the week are the females of Powder Puff Football. The game will be held on Oct. 6 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Hurt Park. Bring a folding chair to watch the game or break out your athletic spirit and join the activities of Field Day that will happen during the Powder Puff game.
Classics such as Tug O’War and Relay Races are open for all students to enjoy without the pressure of competition. Ditch your style instinct and sport all blue to go all in for field day.
Spirit Plaza
The craziest plaza of the year will take place Oct. 7 at 12:15 p.m. at the Library Plaza. Amongst the chaos of students pumped with pride will be carnival dancers and music to help celebrate Georgia State’s Homecoming.
A great spot to watch this Pep Rally is from the library windows overlooking the plaza on the second floor. But if you really want to get the full experience right in plaza is the place to do it. Students will stand anywhere and everywhere in order to get a good view. Claim a spot early near the tables outside the library or on the walls surrounding plaza.
Block Party
Celebrating Georgia State and diversity is the Block Party in Unity Plaza on Oct. 7 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Stop off in Asia during Homecoming’s trip around the world for a performance by the Dragon Dancers. Free Asian-inspired food and games are available for any student and one guest. As the sun goes down and the music turns up, be prepared for a lot of dancing and exciting activities that Spotlight has planned.
Dine Out Day
Georgia State students will be able to eat at participating restaurants with a discount all day on Oct. 8. Take advantage of this opportunity to eat at your favorite pizza place like Mama Mia’s or try a new downtown treasure like Le Metro Creperie in the Sweet Auburn Curb Market. Make sure to have your Panther I.D. card ready to present at the restaurant.
A Complete List of Participating Eateries
-Blossom Tree
-Mama Mia’s
-Reuben’s Deli
-Willie’s Mexican Grill
-Landmark Diner
-Grindhouse Killer Burgers, inside the Sweet Auburn Curb Market (SACM)
-Panbury’s Double Crust Pies, inside the SACM
-Miss D’s Pralines, inside the SACM
-Le Metro Creperie, inside the SACM
Royal Court Ball Night on the Nile
Dressed up and turnt up is how Georgia State panthers will be arriving at The Fox Theatre for the annual Royal Court Ball. From 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. students can attend this homecoming dance for ten dollars and bring a guest for $15. The homecoming court will be introduced at this event as well. For info on how to dress, check out The Signal’s Homecoming Style Guide.
Homecoming Parade
One of the biggest events for Homecoming week is the parade, held Oct. 9 at 12 p.m. It’s a common belief around campus that Georgia State students are the life of downtown and the turn out for this event proves it’s true. A sea of blue and a roar of pride fill the streets of Atlanta to cheer on Georgia State and get pumped for the game. Claim a spot somewhere along the Parade route and enjoy the Marching Band, golf car floats and the homecoming court. Supporting your school doesn’t get more thrilling than this classic college event.