“99 Motivators for College Success”

Georgia State’s favorite legal studies professor combined motivational speaker has released his second book, “99 Motivators for College Success.”

His first book, “Unlocking Your Rubber Room,” was referred to by The Signal’s Jasmine Shergill in her 2009 review as  “a hilarious book” that “exceeds expectations.” Binder describes it as a book that shows ” the funny side of law but also about how everyday people can use the law to their advantage.”

This second book is a little different, though.

“The book is intended to make people think hard about what they want out of a college experience and career, in an easy to access format,” Binder said.

Similarly to “Unlocking Your Rubber Room,” the book is divided into three sections: Motivators for Success in Picking a Major or Career Path, Motivators for Success in the Classroom, and Motivators for Success in Adjusting to College Life. Written for freshmen and sophomores, Binder provides a sample essay question with a college-level answer in his book after he realized that new college students have a difficult time transitioning from a high school essay exam to a college one.

“At the end of each section, three ‘Takeaways’ highlight the overarching Motivator themes, and then students are challenged to apply these concepts by writing three Personal Motivator Goals,” Binder said.
In the classroom and in lecture halls, Binder uses 99 Motivators for College Success as one of his main topics.

“My classes emphasize the importance of humor, self-awareness, and preparation as the key ingredients for effective learning,” Binder said.

The dedication to this book is simple and inviting- “This book is dedicated to any person who walks into a college classroom and dares to dream about a better today and tomorrow.” When asked how Binder came up with such a poetic dedication, he jokingly replied, “I swiped that dedication from a late night psycho-exercising infomercial.”